What is the first thing that you do every morning? (Keep this school appropriate please) You make a Decision.


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Presentation transcript:

What is the first thing that you do every morning? (Keep this school appropriate please) You make a Decision

Decision Making

● How do you make decisions? ● Why do you make them that way? ● What influences the “how” and “why”? ● Why do you make decisions?

Three different ways that you make decisions ● Instinct ● Using a process ● By Chance

Decision Making Process ● State the Situation/Problem ● List the possible choices ● Consider the consequences ● Make a decision and act on it ● Evaluate the decision

Decision Making Process What’s the ultimate goal of this process? ● So that you hopefully make wise decisions ● So that you the outcome is safe for you both physically and mentally

Factors that Affect Decision Making ● Peer pressure ● Parents/family ● Religious beliefs ● Personal values ● Environment ● Media/advertising ● Limited life experience

Values? ● Beliefs and attitudes about what is important to you. - These are one of the factors that guide your decision making.

Self Esteem You have a chronic case of feeling good. You don’t really think about yourself and don’t self-analyze.  You feel good most of the time. When you feel bad, it doesn't last long. You smile a lot. You have positive belief systems about your self, your family and society as a whole. You have lots of energy. You are able to set and accomplish most of your goals.  You are friendly. You enjoy meeting and being with others.

You look others in the eye. You are trustworthy and able to be intimate and affectionate. You take risks. You are independent and autonomous. You have positive effects. You have behavioral and academic success in school. Self Esteem (cont.) You draw people to you. You make long-term friendships.

Self Esteem (cont.) Others can’t observe these, but you: ● Keep your word ● Are grateful to be alive ● Forgive yourself and others ● Are empathetic and compassionate with a conscience ● ● Tell the truth Talk to yourself positively

Self Esteem Why is this SO VERY important? ● So that you have the confidence to confront challenges... And overcome them

What the Stress? ● What is Stress? - Your way of responding to a demand ● What is a Stressor? - Anything that causes stress ● What is Eustress? - Healthy stress / a feeling of fulfillment ● What is Distress? - Negative stress / a feeling of discomfort

STRESS Response ● Alarm Phase - Fight or Flight Response ● Resistance Phase - On going problem or a series ● Exhaustion or Recovery phase - Try to fix the problem

STRESS Effects Increased Heart Rate ● Headaches ● Long term: ● Cardiovascular Disease ● ● Short term: Negative effects of stress Common Negative Response Eating comfort foods, taking it out on others, not doing anything. ● ●

Managing Stress ● Breathing Techniques ● Attitude Control – Focus in positive ways ● Time Management – Planning Ahead ● Goal Setting ● Relaxation Techniques – Anger management ● Exercise ● Building Self-Esteem Conflict Resolution Strategies ●

Goal Setting Achieve How do you Achieve goals? ● Setting a time frame Identifying sources of help ● Evaluating your progress ● ● Steps that take planning and work to help you achieve an outcome Goals What are Goals? A result or achievement. Goals What are Goals setting strategies?

Goal Setting What is an Action Plan? Goals What are short term Goals? Goals What are long term Goals?

How Does ________ play a part in your decision making? - Self Esteem? - Stress?