Year 4 – PEOPLE LF 1-6 The family of Jesus Scripture Matthew 1:1 -17 The family tree of Jesus Genesis12:1-8,18 Genesis 21:1-7 Abraham and Isaac Psalms 9,13,31 Proverbs 3,11 Isaiah 12:2, 43: Trust in the Lord. Genesis 25:20-27 Genesis 35:9-15,23-16 Isaac and Jacob Ruth 1-4 Story of Ruth make links to Mark 1 – call of the apostles Matthew 2:13-15,19-23 Joseph Christian Beliefs God keeps his promises to his people Trust in God Abraham, the father of God’s chosen people Christian Life; Beliefs and Values Trust in God Faith in His promises Example of Joseph Experiences, feelings and ideas Reflect upon the example of the faith and trust of the various characters studied Have you ever had to put your trust in someone? How did it feel? Sacraments Baptism - initiated into God’s family Art/Images/Artefacts Images of stories studied Statue of Joseph with the lily Prayers/Tradition Statue of Joseph often seen with a lily because ‘the just man shall blossom like a lily’(Psalm 92:12)"he just man shall blossom like the lily" Hymns Trust in the Lord The Holy Family
YEAR 5 OURSELVES iLF4 Christians are called to be like God and courage is needed to use these qualities for the service of others ScriptureChristian Beliefs Trust in God: that God will guide and protect; that joy in life comes from love of God and not material possessions. Mary as an example of trust in God to follow Christian Life; Beliefs and Values Prayer Joy Mary as example Service and giving, even when courage is needed Examples of Saints Experiences, feelings and ideas Reflect on difficult times Difficult decisions How have they trusted God at these times? Sacraments Baptism – Called and chosen Eucharist - source of strength and nourishment for the journey Confirmation – Receive the gift of courage to use qualities for others Art/Images/Artefacts Footprints Image or statue of child being held in the palm of God’s hand Prayers/Tradition Litanies of joy and thanksgiving Footprints poem Magnificat Angelus Our Father Year of Mercy Hymns I will be with you Do not be afraid Be not afraid A new commandment I give unto you The great commandment Philippians 4:4-9 God is very near. Consider the lilies of the field and the birds of the air Matthew 6:25 – 27 ‘Love one another as I have loved you – John 13:34 Hosea 11:1-4
Year 6 - Loving LF 4 Forgiveness is an essential part of unconditional love Scripture Luke 15: The Prodigal Son Matthew 18:22 70 X 7 Matthew 6:9-15 Forgive us our trespasses Christian Beliefs God loves us unconditionally as He is our Father His love will have no end God is always merciful Christian Life; Beliefs and Values Forgiveness Repentance Penance Mercy Faith Experiences, feelings and ideas Why should we forgive? Is it easy to forgive? When is it difficult? Should we forgive people over and over again? Why does God love usunconditionally? Sacrament Reconciliation Penitential rite Art/Images/Artefacts Murrillio Bartolome - The return of the Prodigal Son Frank Wesley - ‘Forgiving Father’ Rembrandt – Return of the Prodigal Son Prayers/Tradition Our Father Act of Contrition Confiteor The Year of Mercy - Works of mercy Hymns Freely, Freely Come back to me In Bread we bring you Lord You’ve got to love them Choices Lord have mercy