Interactive Student Notebook Your Key to Success in Math 6
I can't find my… notes, homework, old quizzes... I was absent yesterday. Did I miss anything? I can't remember what we did in class yesterday. I can't remember what we did in class yesterday. I'm sure it’s in... mom’s car... my book bag... my room... I'm sure it’s in... mom’s car... my book bag... my room...
Get it together with your Interactive Student Notebook Interactive Student Notebook
What is an Interactive Notebook? A personalized textbook A working portfolio – all of your notes, sponges, worksheets, class work, homework – in one convenient spot.
PURPOSE Be a creative, independent and reflective thinker and mathematician throughout the year. Express your own ideas and process and or apply the information and skills learned in this class.
LEFT PAGE StudentResponses RIGHT PAGE Restricted Teacher Input Top Half: Sponges Bottom Half: Homework
Left Side 1. Should be completely done. 2. Title, date, and page number on every page 3. All assignments should be in chronological order, THIS SIDE BELONGS TO YOU and will show evidence of learned content from the previous lesson and the lesson for the day.
Examples of Left Side Assignments Sponges (Top Half) Homework (Bottom Half) Worksheets Word Problems Book Work Computer Homework
Right SIDE The Right side has all “testable” information Date Title of Lesson Vocabulary Discussion notes Worksheets Foldables Study Guides Other relevant information
Examples of Right Side Assignments
Student Materials Spiral notebook Colored pencils Glue stick Tape Highlighter You will pick up scissors and ruler when you walk into the classroom everyday.
Maintaining the Interactive Notebook No ripped out pages or torn corners No doodling that doesn’t relate to notes Date, title and number of each page
need YOU will Your Interactive Notebook (ISN) Everyday
GRADING OF INB Each time the notebook is evaluated it will constitute a classwork grade. Notebook checks are unannounced and can occur at any random time during the school year.
How long should it take to work on my notebook? Normally class time is given to work on both side assignments and sometimes this includes time to start work on your homework. The expectation is that you will revisit the right side(teacher notes) that evening or the next to review the material and be better prepared for the quizzes and tests.
Initial Set Up 1. The notebook should have been set up following the directions given by Mrs. B in class. 2. The table of contents must be updated regularly and will be checked during each notebook check. 3. Any missing or incomplete part of these directions will cause a deduction in the overall evaluation grade each time the notebook is evaluated.
If you are absent, it is your responsibility to obtain homework assignments(left side) and notes (right side) Where to get that: -The missing Work Folder -Ask a friend to fill in what you missed “What if I’m absent?”
Setting up the Interactive Student Notebook THE ISN Let’s set-up your Interactive Student Notebook
Pocket Items: Classroom Procedures (signed by your parent) Quizzes Tests Comp Challenges Jaclyn Bonsecour 1st Period Ideas to Include: 1)Hobbies 2)Family 3)After school Activities 4)Favorite Food/Color 5) Something Interesting about yourself Math 6 1
Rubric on how you will be graded. Table of Contents 3 2 Assignment Page #
Table of Contents 5 4 Assignment Page # Table of Contents Assignment Page #
7 6 You will glue on the Unit Standards here Unit 1: Number System Fluency
9 8 8/8/16 Sponge: COMPUTATION CHALLENGE #1 Homework: 8/8/16: Adding and Subtracting Decimals Notes
12 11 Sponge: Homework: For the next few minutes continue: 1)Writing page #’s Even=Right Odd=Left 2) Use ruler to draw line halfway on the right side
Basic Rules of the INB Use Color and LOVE your notebook!! No Blank Pages!!! Update Your Table of Contents Daily!!! Bring your INB to class everyday!! Write page Number, Date, and Title of Assignment on every page It may be graded at any time, so be prepared!