Soldering Wire Splices
Wires should be at 90 deg. Twist wires equally to form a neat splice. Solder connection. Pigtail Splice
Pigtail splice with stranded wire.
In-Line Splice Begin by wrapping wires in opposite directions. Continue by wrapping wire ends close together to form a neat splice. Solder connection.
Pictorial drawing of in- line splice.
In-line with stranded wire. Wires should be meshed and twisted together. Ensure wire strands are tight, then solder.
Stranded wire splice bundled and wire wrapped.
Wires should be at 90 deg. One wire should remain straight while the other is wrapped neatly around it. Solder connection. Tee Splice
Tee with stranded wire should have the main wire stripped and separated. The third wire should be placed through the main wire and wrapped, then soldered.
Apply heat for 3-5 seconds, then apply solder.
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