The Rope Approach Intertwined Project Navigation A Team of “1” Heartland IIBA Presenter: Samuel Osborne June 21,
Rope Characteristics, Traits 2
Intertwined strands to add strength, elasticity Elastic, will stretch with weight increase Not easily broken Some ropes are made of different fibers Cable ropes made of different fibers to behave differently 3
The Agenda Session Description The Opportunity Learning Objectives The Concept The Behavior Business Case Development Artifacts Intertwined Activities The Results Tie it all up 4
Session Description Breaking News! BAs, PMs, QA Analysts, and Developers work together to improve each others’ artifacts! – While each has her/his own artifacts, and only one is ‘officially’ a QA Analyst, each brings specific insights to the project and enable improvement of each others’ artifacts. – So…. Let’s – Plan, Do, Check, Improve! 5
The Opportunity To leverage the knowledge, experience, and perspectives of each of the leads and deliver more complete, better quality artifacts, products, and services BA PM DEV QA 6
Learning Objectives You will have learned – An integrated approach to navigating your projects to improve Business Case artifacts Analysis artifacts Coordination artifacts Downstream artifacts Products or Services 7
The Concept tertwined 8
The Concept (cont’d) Definition ( a : a large stout cord of strands of fibers or wire twisted or braided together b : a long slender strip of material used as rope c : a hangman's noose d : lariatlariat Full Definition of intertwine transitive verb : to unite by twining one with another intransitive verb : to twine about one another; also : to become mutually involved 9
The Behavior 10
Business Case Perform analysis and generate raw case content Review case content with stakeholders Write the Business Case Present the Business Case Acquire Approval Proceed to Project 11
Requirement Planning, Elicitation, Documentation, Ratification All leads join the project, each representing their unique stakes in the project The Lead Business Analyst drives, while others come along for the ride While “riding”, PM, QA Lead, Dev Lead assess and validates requirements, in effect, QAing the requirements (Business, Functional, Non- Functional, Implementation) as they are written 12
Development and QA Plan/Design All leads continue to work the project, each representing their unique stakes in the project The Lead Developer drives, while others continue the ride along, however The QA Lead is planning while continuing to assess the requirement artifacts, and adds assessment of Development artifacts The Dev Lead continues to assess and validate requirements while using them to build Development artifacts, and QAing the QA artifacts as they are written 13
PM The PM uses BA, Developer, and QA analyst artifacts to build out the project plan The PM assesses artifacts while building out project plan The BA, Developer, and QA Analysts ‘QA’ the project plan and the other artifacts 14
Artifacts - Business Analysis Plan – Who will be needed to do what is to be done – What will be done, when, how, by whom, AND how much is enough Do – Document the Requirements, Rules, Assumptions, Constraints Business System Environment Check Improve 15
Artifacts – All Plan – Who will be needed to do what is to be done – What will be done, when, how, by whom, AND how much is enough Do – Document the requirements, rules, assumptions, constraints Business System Environment Check – Review documented Requirements, Rules, Assumptions, Constraints against Business Case System Design Docs Environment Models, Documentation Improve – All processes and their components 16
Intertwined Activities Project Management – Project Plan – Implementation Plan Analysis – Requirements Planning – Elicitation/Documentation/Coordination/UAT Development – Design – Build – Unit/Integration – Code Review Test – Test Planning – Functional/System – UAT Implementation 17
Results Better artifact quality Faster artifact delivery Improved process(es) Improved knowledge/knowledge sharing Better products and services 18
Tie it all up Initiate BA, PM, Dev, and QA activities earlier All: ‘QA’ all artifacts – Business Case – Project Plan – Requirement/Business Rule Plan(s) – Requirements/Business Rules – Development Plan – Development Design/Code Reviews – QA Plan – Test Cases – Implementation Plan Get IMPROVED artifacts, processes, products 19