Hull House Definition: This is a famous example of a Settlement House, a place where immigrants took classes and received services like childcare, health care, meals, etc. This particular Settlement House was founded in Chicago, Illinois, by Jane Adams in 1889.
Jane Adams Definition: Jane Adams was a Social Reformer, meaning she was someone who wanted to reform, or change and improve society. She is known for founding the Hull House, a Settlement House, in Chicago. She also became involved in politics during the Progressive Era (period following Industrialism) so that she could advocate for women’s rights, and for measures that would improve America’s cities.
Social Darwinism Definition: Social Darwinism came from the notion of “survival of the fittest,” an idea used in biology. This idea was applied to people and companies during the Industrial Era. It means, “as companies/people compete, the best will survive, and the rest will die off.” What economic system does Social Darwinism promote? – Capitalism. Supporters of Social Darwinism believed that competition was necessary so that only the “best” people/companies would survive.
Social Gospel Definition: A movement of reformers who believed in serving the poor and fixing the problems created by urbanization (the growth of cities). What did people who were part of the Social Gospel Movement do? In America’s cities, followers of the Social Gospel… – Raised money – Provided food & medical care for immigrants/the poor – Passed laws to improve living and working conditions – Opened settlement houses
Directions ①Divide into partnerships ②Begin by defining each term (flash cards) ③EACH ROUND: You have 30 seconds to… 1.Draw 3 cards at random 2.Explain how the three terms are connected ★ Jumpstart: Write a paragraph that connecting – Social Gospel, Settlement Houses, Assimilation – Write at least 6 sentences
Immigration Nativism Assimilation All of this led to… Americanization Movement …Educational movement to help immigrants assimilate Ex: Included English and US History & Gov classes
Example of Americanization Movement “Settlement Houses” – Like schools or community centers – Created by charities to teach & assimilate immigrants – Offered classes, child care, and health care – Example: Hull House in Chicago Founded by woman named Jane Adams
Our Question What were the attitudes of social reformers towards immigrants?
Structured Academic Controversy (SAC) Working in pairs, and then teams, you will explore a question with opposing opinions and try to reach a consensus. Our Goals for today include… Looking at all the issues, Seeing both sides, & Finding common ground
Procedure ①Prepare with your partner ②Team A Presentation – Team A presents – Restatement (by Pair B) ③Team B Presentation – Team B presents – Restatement (by Pair A) ④Consensus-Building
Discussion Norms We are all abecedarians Active listening Challenge ideas, not persons Try your best to understand other ideas Share the floor: Everyone speaks No disagreeing until consensus-building When in doubt, ask a question
From last time... What we did well: Shared our opinions Found evidence from the documents Coming to an agreement Followed directions
For Today... We can improve by: Listening to each other carefully Staying on topic (avoid distractions) Have a deeper conversation Share more equally (include everyone) Time management Come to an agreement; be more flexible
Exit Ticket What do YOU think? Write YOUR answer to the SAC question: What were the attitudes of social reformers toward immigrants You must write at least 6 sentences Reference evidence/arguments from BOTH sides