“To envision ideas and develop systems that carry whatever is promised” is a special target that I have set for myself. When I set out to transform this idea into actions, the target has brought in a realization of the leadership quality I posses. As a student in school I was inspired a lesson on drip irrigation system by the windmill. Based on this idea I developed my school project using old hose pipes, plastic tubes and a pulley. This won me a gold medal at the prestigious International Youth Science Congress. In my third year of the undergraduate program in Engineering I became the Technical consultant for a startup company and in one instance my technical idea won the first prize at GRAVITA’S 2013, a technical fest organized at VIT University. I have been working in TAP IT Corporation for the past two and a half years. Where I have proved my ability to spend long hours on trouble shooting and established myself as a dependable team player.
At this juncture of my life I see myself as an individual who sees life as a process of conscious progression. The vital part of this development is attributed to the support and motivation given to me by my parents, teachers and my counselor who recognized my liking for science and encouraged me. Their motivation has played a very important role in my decision making towards my future. My inclination towards science channeled me into go in for a Bachelor degree in Electrical Electronics and Power Engineering. This decision gave me the opportunity to realize my technical aptitude.