IMPACT SAMR Cover Sheet Task OverviewLearning Objective(s)Suggested Technology Blackboard Collaboration of Common Errors The student will be able to use the chain rule in finding the derivative of functions. Blackboard Small group differentiate multiple step problem using Stoodle. The student will be able to use the chain rule in finding the derivative of functions. Stoodle on laptop Chain Rule Quiz on KahootThe student will be able to use the chain rule in finding the derivative of functions. Kahoot on laptop Blackboard Powerpoint and NotesThe student will be able to use the chain rule in finding the derivative of functions. Blackboard Louisiana Math Standard (include description): None (This course follows the outline set forth by College Board: II.6(c) Chain Rule Teacher: Elaine Billedeaux MODIFICATION Technology allows for significant task redesign.. REDEFINITION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable. AUGMENTATION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with some functional improvement. SUBSTITUTION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with no real change. transformation enhancement
Chain Rule 1.Go to my Blackboard website. AP Calculus 2.View the Chain Rule powerpoint and Chain Rule notes. 3.Work through the example problems. 4.Solve problems 1-10 on the Derivatives – Chain Rule Lab Worksheet. If you lost your worksheet, go to my Blackboard website, AP Calculus, Assignment, Chapter 3 attachment. 5.Check your work using the TI89 calculator. Use Blackboard to review Chain Rules via a PowerPoint. This task uses: Blackboard Learning Objective(s): The student will be able to use the chain rule in finding the derivative of functions. S SUBSTITUTION Technology acts a direct substitute, with no functional improvement
Chain Rule 1.Using the classroom laptops, take the chain rule quiz on (Derivatives using Chain Rule) 2.Then work with a partner to rework any problem you may have worked wrong. Locate where in the problem the error first occurred. List all errors within the problem. 3.Participate in a whole class discussion of common errors. Complete a Kahoot on Chain Rule This task uses: Kahoot on laptops. Learning Objective(s): The student will be able to use the chain rule in finding the derivative of functions. A AUGMENTATION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with some functional improvement.
Chain Rule 1.Create a group of 3 or 4 to collaborate with on Stoodle. 2.Assign group numbers and different colors to each person in the group. When responding to a problem you are to use that color. Assign the order in which participants are to respond. 3.Click on the appropriate link. Group 1: Group 2: Group 3: 4. The 1 st person will verbally describe the 1 st step in solving the problem. 5.The next person will either correct the previous step or work it. 6.The next person will either go back and make a correction, or proceed by verbally describing the next step in solving the problem. 7.The next person will either make a correction or perform the next step. 8.This will continue until the problem is solved to everyone’s satisfaction. 9.Check your answer using the TI89 calculator. Small group differentiate multiple step problem using Stoodle. This task uses: Stoodle on laptops. Learning Objective(s): The student will be able to use the chain rule in finding the derivative of functions. M MODIFICATION Technology allows for significant task redesign.
Chain Rule 1.Log into Blackboard and create a thread in Chain Rule Differentiation 2.Post your problem and final answer to your Stoodle question. 3.Discuss common errors encountered by your group. 4.Comment on at least two posts from the other groups. Blackboard Collaboration of Common Errors This task uses: Blackboard Learning Objective(s): The student will be able to use the chain rule in finding the derivative of functions. R REDEFINITION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable.