The main character in a story is called the PROTAGONIST. The protagonist is the focus of the story. Nick liked to liven things up. From this sentence, you can figure out that Nick is the protagonist and the story will focus on him as he faces challenges in school.
Mrs. Granger wants Nick to put an end to all this nonsense. This sentence tells you that Mrs. Granger is the ANTAGONIST, or the character who opposes the protagonist in the story.
The antagonist can be the “Bad Guy” in the sense of being an evil villian. The antagonist can also be someone who competes with the protagonist or stands in the way of the protagonist achieving his or her goal.
Nick vs Mrs. Granger
Character Traits Qualities that make up a character’s appearance and personality. The way a character looks. How a character behaves.
Character Development This is the process of presenting information that lets the reader get to know a character.
How a character acts? How a character speaks? What other characters think of a character? Things that have happened to the character in the story. Relationships or connections to other characters. How a character changes through the course of the story.
Character Motivation The reason the character does a certain thing or acts a certain way. Ask yourself the following questions: 1.Why is the character doing this? 2.Why is the character behaving this way?
What is Nick’s motivation for creating the word “Frindle”?