Space Ambassador meeting March 2014
SchoolCodeSc CoordinatorY5 teacher Y5 pupil number Date 1 st meeting Staff Inset Class lesson ITAOT Astrocampus visit Mission XSEQM NSLC course 27/2/14 Visitor Cosmo dome Tang HallTHFM Fiona McCallion Y5 B.Pawson Y6 G.Hillier /11/13 29/01/ 14 12/02/ 14 Hambleton (Selby) HAJFJo Farmery Y6 JohnKey Y4/5 Jo F /11/13 13/01/ 14 (also space centre visit June) 11/11/ 13 St. George’s SGKSKate StevensKate S27 14/11/13 5/2/14 11/12/ 13 Farnham Primary (Bradford) FALKLouise Kirwin Y5 Freya Carroll Liz Wood /11/13 21/01/ 14 (Bradford Robotic) Liz X ArchbishopARZCZita Clarke Amy Roberts 32 21/11/13 13/03/ 14 Lunar rocks Poppleton Road POGEGary Everett /11/13 ?? Lilycroft (Bradford) AALP Aleks Atanaskovic 30 28/11/13 (Bradford Robotic) WiggintonWIKRKate Robinson 3 X Year 4/5 classes 90 total3/12/13 Appleton Roebuck ARLRLauren Partington All school (small) 84 29/11/13 27/1/1 4 (year 4,5,6) a Monda y
Space Resources: The European Space Education Resources Office (ESERO-UK). News, events, contacts and links out to the space collection on the National STEM Centre eLibrary… To save you searching, I’ve made a list of 5 great resources for space space-top-5-resources
Visits National Space Centre - Leicester Find your nearest planetarium Association for Science and Discovery Centres
Setting up a Space/Astronomy Club Try some of the activities from the eLibrary resources Make your own telescopes or buy lenses and use cardboard tubes Use free robotic telescopes e.g. Citizen science on the internet
Name: School name: Date form completed: CPD Session Title (if applicable): Area of impactImpacts to date Rating (high/medium/lo w) Evidence (How do you know?) Impact on your knowledge and skills (e.g. new knowledge acquired, improved confidence, etc) Impact on your practice (e.g. use of new skills, changes in classroom practice, etc) Impact on the school (e.g. by influencing practice and sharing learning, in your school / school cluster) Impact on pupils (e.g. changes in attainment, motivation, ways of working, etc) ESERO-UK Primary Project 2013/14 – Teacher Impact Form Next steps:
How to Apply: For further information and to register your interest visit: For any queries please contact ESERO-UK at:
SEQM: Visit to school by Tom or space ambassador Tom s latest guidelines document to them When a chunk of evidence is collected school contacts for him to open up a dropbox to submit evidence Evidence will be reviewed by Tom + one other (a teacher from existing Leading Space school or Space Ambassador etc.) and a decision made about level of award School is invoiced for £100 Teacher can come to celebration event in July (here or Farnborough) to receive award. Bursaries for cover will be available in addition to £70 travel bursaries.
UK CanSat Competition: 8 schools coming to the finals 6-8 March Cans to be dropped from a Helikite at 200 metres Launch rig being developed by team of UKSEDS students from University of Strathclyde Winning team will be entered into ESA competition in Norway in June Runners-up will get their can on a High Altitude Balloon flight Next year we have support from the University of York Competition now accredited by CREST
Contact: Tom Lyons – ESERO UK Teacher Fellow National STEM Centre, University of York, YO10 5DD