The Oblivious Empire Is bragging and arrogance common for us all? Are we really ignorant about other places? Was 9/11 our fault based on our ideas that we deserve to rule all? Was our response after 9/11 proof of our idiocy? What does p. 731 say about the American people? Why don’t we know the bad things we do in other places? Should every country be expected to follow us? Why do we support such things like what is described on p. 735? Is what we do terrorism, like on p. 738? Based on all of this, can we expect worse to come?
America the Beautiful What is America exceptionalism and America universalism? Based on p. 717, is it true that we really are blessed in the sense that we have such a strong will that we can’t be conquered unless confused? Why isn’t this true of other nations? Why do other countries hate us? Why does D’Souza say they really hate us? Can we avoid conflict? Is D’Souza wrong? How are Christian fundamentalists different from Islam fundamentalists? Is D’Souza’s assessment correct? Based on p. 724, are we the best of the best?
The War on Terrorism What does this article claim are the reasons behind 9/11? Do the claims seem reasonable? What did the Bush administration get from the war on terror? Is it true that all we are doing is creating a more dangerous world? Thoughts on germ warfare? How did our response help terrorists? Why are we the greatest threat to the world according to Andreas? What in this article is hypocritical? Is American hypocrisy a good thing?
Easy in the Harness Is it really true that none of us are really free? Are we not free because we are too afraid? What is his version of freedom? Is the only way to be free to be immoral? Is it true that we can’t be free without being offensive? Is honesty the mark of freedom? Have we given up Constitutional rights to be free? Is p. 811 really what we do with jails and the death penalty? Is it an acceptable practice?
By Any Means Necessary Thoughts on the Patriot Act. What are the dangers of merging intelligence and law enforcement? What does the assumption on p. 794 say about free speech? Is p. 795 true? Why? What’s really wrong with this? Is it true that if you aren’t against them then you’re for them? If they have lapsed visas, is p. 795 wrong? Is it hypocritical to say that we have standards but we don’t uphold them? Is torture wrong when it’s used to save lives? Are we becoming a totalitarian nation?
“Vote or Die” and “Campaign Finance” Vote or Die: Why might some people not vote? Is it true that people who don’t vote have no right to complain? Are there some people who should not be allowed to vote? Explain Campaign Finance: Do campaign finance laws limit free speech? Does campaign finance destroy the idea of a democracy? Based on this, does the average citizen have any effect on who represents them and elections in general? Do we really have a country run by the people?
That’s Entertainment? How is our culture good? How is it bad? Is it true that movies are horrible because people are ? Is the media far worse than life really is? Is the statistic on p. 772 part of the reason other countries (esp. Islamic) hate us or is this the way things really are? Is p. 773 wrong? Isn’t the intention to bring tolerance? Why does Hollywood downplay the religious nature of the US? How did our cinema end up where it is? What do movies like Saw say about us? Why are the so commonplace? Why do they watch it?
The Sorrow and the Pity of Racial Profiling The Japanese were citizens when they put them in concentration camps, does that matter or change things? Based on p. 801, who is “us”? Is it citizens or all people? If we allow racial profiling, where will it stop? Will we live like 1984? Was Butt’s death a cause of being arrested? Is it really long because he allowed his visa to lapse? Is it right to unintentionally bring death to innocents by ignoring what we know? Should we really focus on policy instead of race?
The End of America 1. Evaluate the argument of the video 2. Which parts strike you as most upsetting? Why? 3. Which parts are clearly not true or exaggerated? Explain how you know. 4. Based on this, do you agree that we are headed to or already in a closed society? Explain. 5. Knowing what you do now, is the Patriot Act really necessary? Is it an acceptable sacrifice?