10 Reasons Why Donald Trump Would Be A Great President for the United States of America.


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Presentation transcript:

10 Reasons Why Donald Trump Would Be A Great President for the United States of America

As Mr. Warren Bennis once said, leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality. Mr. Trump has not only translated his vision into reality but is a living example of what can be achieved if you put your mind to it. He was born rich but lost all his money but that didn’t stop him from going out there and coming back stronger and better than ever. Now, he is running for the President of the United States and we at Mindhedge think it would be great if he was elected. Here are a few reasons why: 1. He is not a politician: Throughout the world, politicians are known to be people who can be diplomatic and convince the masses what is best for them while keeping their own interests in check. Mr. Trump says it like it is, he wants to make America great again by promoting business in the country for everyone, not just himself. 2. Not corruptible: He is already a billionaire; no one can bribe him to become corrupt and do what they want. He has connections with some of the most powerful people in the world. What could anyone offer him which he doesn’t have already?

10 Reasons Why Donald Trump Would Be A Great President for the United States of America 3. He is honest: Politicians don’t come out and say what they are thinking. Donald Trump says whatever he is thinking and does not think twice so that it is clear to the masses what to expect, unlike most politicians whose strings are pulled by their donors. 4. Diplomacy: Unlike leaders of the past, Trump is willing to talk to leaders like Kim Jong-un of North Korea and sit across the table from Vladamir Putin to talk out strategic alliances and how the nations can help each other. 5. Business accomplishments: He has proven to the world that he can make smart decisions which are beneficial; after all, he is the first candidate to run for President who has a huge empire, made by him.

10 Reasons Why Donald Trump Would Be A Great President for the United States of America 6. Pro-women: He is pro-women and has been investing in women since the 80’s. He has been featured in numerous magazines promoting women entrepreneurs and even own the the Miss Universe organization.entrepreneurs 7. Sound morals: He has never had any brush in with the law and as we all saw in his show, the Apprentice, he demands the best from people because he gives his best himself and he even fired a girl off the show when she was attempting to flirt with him to gain favor. 8. Family: When electing a President, we just don’t look at the candidate but also his family. His family includes successful business people like his daughter and sons and his wife, a successful career model who is very good at public appearances.President

10 Reasons Why Donald Trump Would Be A Great President for the United States of America 9. Smart policies: Of course people made a huge fuss about the Muslims being banned but what other solutions is there? Every month there is a shooting in America involving Muslims, isn’t it better just to hold immigration until the problem can be solved? 10. Excellent negotiation skills: A President has a cabinet of advisers but when he is alone with a leader of another country, his negotiation skills are very important. Being a successful business man, Trump is one of the best negotiators anyone has ever seen, which makes it a huge plus. Enough said, let’s just wait for November and see how well Mrs. Clintons hold up against the Donald. I think it would be one of the most interesting presidential elections the world has ever seen. Link Source -

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