Fish Ecology Research Project MS Dr. Mark McGinley Texas Tech University BIOL 5311 Summer 2001
REEF Fish Survey Data The fish abundance data found in the REEF database provides a rich source of data to investigate a number of interesting and important questions about the distribution and abundance of coral reef fishes.
Coral reefs are very complex and interesting structures. Although there is a great deal of variation from reef to reef, most reefs share a basic structure.
Coral Reef Structure Because coral reefs experience variation in water depth, wave action, and light penetration there are different types of reef communities found in the different reef zones. To learn more about the zones check out-
Coral Reef Fish Communities Variation in the abiotic and biotic characteristics across the different reef zones might lead to differences in the diversity, abundance, and species composition of the reef fish community.
Diving on Coral Reefs In many location divers spend most of their time diving across the top of the reefs where the topography is relatively flat.
Coral Reef Walls In some places the coral reef drops off and results in an almost vertical wall, that in some cases, can extend downwards for thousands of feet. The life growing on the walls
Wall Diving
Walls in Cayman Islands Dive sites in the Cayman Islands are well known for their steep vertical walls.
Cayman Islands
Research Questions Are there differences in the diversity and species composition of fish communities located on flat reefs and coral walls? Is there a difference in the abundance of fish species between the two environments?