“Just Right” Books
Required Must read for at least 30 minutes each night Must complete text connections text connections: text to text, text to self, text to world, & text to media
How to find them: Recommendations by friends Author’s other books Genre and Subgenre Cover Reviews
Rules: Pick a book you REALLY like Pick a book that will challenge you Pick an appropriate book for your reading level Pick a book you can read Out loud With expression
How do I know I’m reading well?
I’m reading well when... I know what I’m reading about. I can talk about every paragraph of my book.
I’m reading well when... I stop and figure out things I do not understand.
I’m reading well when... I can create imagery, or pictures in my head, of what I am reading.
I’m reading well when... I find the meanings of unknown words from others or the dictionary. I know what all the words mean. I use the words in my text connection when possible.
I’m reading well when... I can read every word. I can pronounce every word.
I’m reading well when... I get “sucked into” the book.
I’m reading well when... I can compare what I read to other things I’ve learned. I can identify text connections: text to text, text to self, text to world, & text to media.