Open Software Integrators, LLC 1 Spring Roo - IDE Research ● Basics of Spring Roo (Installation and Roo shell) ● Spring Roo, Maven, Tomcat works! ● Front end HTML, CSS works! ● JQuery and Spring Roo... ● JSON and Spring Roo webflow...
Open Software Integrators, LLC 2 Basics of Spring Roo ● Pre-requisites: JAVA, Maven, Spring Roo library, Tomcat, STS (optional), (Eclipse + AJDT plugin) (optional) ● Project begins simply by creating a directory and entering ' roo ' command in the shell ● ' hint ' can be used regularly for the roo shell to tell us on how to proceed with the webapp ● Spring Roo exploits JPA and provides ORM through Hibernate (two other alternate ORM providers available) ● Roo shell commands enable annotation-driven programming
Open Software Integrators, LLC 3 Spring Roo, Maven, Tomcat works! ● Spring Roo works with Maven and provides an MVC framework ● Tomcat is one of the options available for a Web server to deploy the project on ● STS makes it quite easy to connect a Spring Roo project to work with a tc server ● Roo commands provide automatic creation of test cases and test suites. Eg: integration, selenium
Open Software Integrators, LLC 4 Front end JSPX, HTML, CSS ● Views by default are JSPX files with an XML file containing the relevant mappings ● Views can be HTML with CSS, only the mappings need to be specified appropriately ● So Spring Roo webapps do allow front-ends to be HTML + CSS
Open Software Integrators, LLC 5 JQuery and Spring Roo ● The JQuery example I tried didn't seem to work with Spring Roo ● Wasn't able to incorporate JQuery library in the project ● Checked some forums online that said that there are incompatibility issues with JQuery and Springforums ● Was able to create the mapping to display the HTML page though, that contained the JavaScript code from the JQuery library
Open Software Integrators, LLC 6 JSON and Spring Roo webflow ● Possible to incorporate JSON bindings in Spring Roo by adding some configuration to the Spring MVC application context views/ views/ ● Need to do more reading on creating JSON views that can be used in Spring Roo projects