Sausalito City Council May 7, 2013 Plan Bay Area Draft EIR
AB 32 Emission Reduction Strategy Clean Car Standards 28% Low Carbon Fuels 12% Energy Efficiency 13% Renewable Energy 20% Cap & Trade 16% Forestry 4% Sustainable Communities Strategy 7%
Assembly Bill 32 & Senate Bill 375 AB 32 – Reduce GHG Emissions Statewide mandate to reduce GHG emissions to 1990 levels by 2020 SB 375 – Sustainable Communities Strategy (SCS) Link land use with Regional Trans Plan (RTP) Key goal = reduce vehicle miles traveled SCS required for each region in the State SCS prepared by regional agencies- ABAG/MTC
SB 375 = RTP+ Sustainable Communities Strategy + RHNA Plan Bay Area = Integrated Transportation & Land Use Plan 1)Reduce vehicle miles traveled 2)Achieve 7% per capita reduction by 2020 and15% per capita reduction in GHG emissions by )Required for each region in the State Plan Bay Area
ABAG/MTC Responses to Date Planning started in 2011 Reduced growth forecasts for Marin –10.9% household growth down to 9% –32% jobs growth down to 17% Reduced RHNA for Marin –3,392 down to 2,436
Sustainable Communities Strategy (SCS) Land Use element of Plan Bay Area (1)Create a network of complete communities. (2)Increase the accessibility, affordability, and diversity of housing. (3)Create jobs to maintain and expand a prosperous and equitable regional economy. (4)Protect the region’s unique natural environment. -9%
PDAs in Marin County Planned PDAs Downtown San Rafael North San Rafael/Civic Center Potential PDA 101 Corridor –Marinwood –California Park –Strawberry –Almonte –Tam Junction –Marin City
Housing and Job Growth,
Forecast vs. Projections Population projections critical to jobs/housing projections Recent State Department of Finance (DOF) projections published show 10% less growth in Marin by 2040 – ABAG forecast assumed more aggressive jobs growth ABAG & DOF to coordinate over next four years to adjust in update to plan in 2015
RHNA = Regional Housing Needs Allocation Required element of Plan Bay Area Scheduled for adoption by the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) in July
Draft RHNA for Marin
Transportation Investments 28-Year Funding Forecast – $289 Billion
Strategy 6 – Climate Initiatives
EIR Alternatives 1. No Project Existing 2010 land use policies and transportation network (funded/CEQA) 2. Proposed Plan Growth in PDAs and 90% Transportation Revenues to existing networks 3. Transit Priority Focus Growth in TPPs, w/ Regional Development Fee + Bay Bridge peak toll 4. Enhanced Network of Communities Business community helped to develop: No in-commuters Growth more dispersed. Bay Bridge peak commute toll 5. Environment, Equity and Jobs Housing/equity advocates helped to develop: Maximize affordable housing VMT fee + Bay Bridge peak toll for transit
TAM Plan Comments Plan should recognize other efforts underway to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (Marin Clean Energy, electric vehicles, Climate Change Action Plans, etc.) Jobs/housing growth needs to be reconciled with State’s projections( ABAG and DOF) Sea Level Rise a priority CEQA reform should recognize that ‘uniform standards’ will not be appropriate to every local jurisdiction. “Housing unit” definition used by HCD needs to be expanded
TAM DEIR Comments Comment period too short for 1,300 page document Jobs/housing growth needs to be explained Mitigations for Sea Level Rise a priority “Housing unit” definition used by HCD needs to be expanded
Plan Bay Area Schedule May 9, 7 p.m.“Choosing the Future We Want” Forum, Dominican University May 13, 2 PMTAM Board Special Meeting, Corporate Center San Rafael, Comment Letter May 16, 4 p.m.Close of comment period Draft Plan Bay Area / DEIR May 30, 6:30 p.m.“Plan Bay Area” Debate, County of Marin May/JuneMTC/ABAG meeting(s) to review comments received and consider changes JulyAdoption by MTC/ABAG of Final EIR and Final Plan Bay Area, and Conformity Analysis
Sausalito City Council May 7, 2013 End of Presentation