Portugal a. Institution types & credentials b. School leaving and higher education credentials c. Structure of Educational System in Portugal 1. Pre-School Education System 2. Higher Education System f. Administrative structure of higher education g. Admissions to Higher Education and Recognition
a. Institution types & credentials Types of higher education institutions: University Polytechnic Institute Higher School Higher Institute Faculty
b. School leaving and higher education credentials: Secondary school diploma Technological Specialisation Diploma Bachelor (old system) Licenciado – Graduated Degree Mestre – Master Degree Doutor – Ph. Doctor Degree Agregação
c. STRUCTURE OF EDUCATION SYSTEM IN PORTUGAL Pre-school education compulsory education Basic First Stage Basic Second Stage Basic Third Stage Secondary school / Professional secondary schools University/ Polytechnic / Faculty
from 3 to 6 years 1. Pre-school education National schools or private schools c. STRUCTURE OF EDUCATION SYSTEM IN PORTUGAL
Duration of compulsory education: Age of entry: 6 - Age of exit: 18
Age level from: 6 to 10 years Type of school providing this education: Basic First Stage Length of program: 4 years c. STRUCTURE OF EDUCATION SYSTEM IN PORTUGAL
Age level from: 10 to 12 years Type of school providing this education: Basic Second Stage Length of program: 2 years
c. STRUCTURE OF EDUCATION SYSTEM IN PORTUGAL Age level from: 12 to 15 years Type of school providing this education: Basic Third Stage Length of program: 3 years
Age level from: 15 to: 18 Certificate/diploma awarded: Secondary Diploma Type of school providing this education: Secondary school Length of program in years: 3 c. STRUCTURE OF EDUCATION SYSTEM IN PORTUGAL
Age level from: 15 to: 18 Type of school providing this education: Professional secondary schools Certificate/diploma awarded: Secondary Professional Diploma Length of program in years: 3 c. STRUCTURE OF EDUCATION SYSTEM IN PORTUGAL
Age level from: 15 to: 18 Certificate/diploma awarded: Diploma of Vocational Training and Level III Diploma in Professional Studies Specialized Technological / Vocational Type of school providing this education: Professional Secondary Schools Length of program in years: 3 c. STRUCTURE OF EDUCATION SYSTEM IN PORTUGAL
School education: Basic education lasts for nine years divided into three stages of four, two and three years respectively. A Diploma/Certificate is awarded at the end of the third stage. Secondary education - public, private and cooperative - is optional and consists of a three- year cycle after having completed the third cycle of basic education. Access is through the Certificate of Basic Education. There are two types of courses: general courses and technical/vocational courses, providing instruction in technical, technological, professional fields and in the Portuguese language and culture. Permeability between the courses is guaranteed. The teaching and practice of technical, technological or artistic courses are provided by vocational schools and special schools for education in Arts. Courses are sanctioned by the Qualifications Certificate of the Secondary education, which is one of the conditions for access to higher education. In order to develop personal and professional competencies, legislation has been passed to approve the stimulation of post-secondary- level technological specialized courses. These courses qualify for the exercise of a profession (Level IV) and enable people to pursue studies at higher education level.
2. Higher education: At present, higher education in Portugal is divided into two subsystems: university education and non-university higher education (polytechnic education), and it is provided in public and private universities and non-university higher education institutions (both public and private).The Portuguese Catholic University was instituted by decree of the Holy See and is recognized by the State of Portugal. Private higher education institutions cannot operate if they are not recognized by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Access is regulated by the same procedures as those for state higher education institutions. The two systems of higher education (university and polytechnic) are linked and it is possible to transfer from one to the other. It is also possible to transfer from a public institution to a private one and vice-versa. c. STRUCTURE OF EDUCATION SYSTEM IN PORTUGAL
Main laws/decrees governing higher education: Decree: Comprehensive Law 46/86 (dated 14 October) on the Education System subsequently amended by Law 115/97 (dated 19 September) and Law 49/2005 (dated 30 August) Year: 1986 Concerns: All university and non-university (polytechnic) higher education institutions, as well as the structure of the higher education system. Decree: Decree-Law 296-A/98 (dated 25 September) subsequently amended by Decree-Law 99/99 (dated 30 March) and Decree-Law 26/2003 (dated 7 February) and 76/2004 Year: 1998 Concerns: Access to public and private higher education institutions Decree: Decree-Law 42/2005 (dated 22 February) on the principles and instruments for the creation of a European Higher Education Area Year: 2005 Concerns: All university and non-university (polytechnic) higher education institutions, as well as the instrument for the implementation of the Bologna Process. Decree: Law 1/2003 (dated 6 January) on the Development and the Quality of Higher Education Year: 2003 Concerns: Public and private higher education institutions Decree: Law 108/88 on University Autonomy amended by Law 252/97 Year: 1988 Concerns: Public universities Decree: Law 16/94 on the Statute of Private and Cooperative Higher Education amended by Law 37/94 and Law 94/99 Year: 1994 Concerns: Private higher education institutions. Decree: Law 37/2003 (dated 22 August) on the Funding of Higher Education Year: 2003 Decree: Law 38/94 on the Assessment of Higher Education amended by Law 1/2003 Year: 1994 Concerns: Public and private higher education institutions Decree: Law 49/2005 (dated 30 August) introducing changes to the Basic Law on the Education System to comply with the Bologna Process Year: 2005 Decree: Law 54/90 on the Statute and Autonomy of Polytechnic Higher Education Institutions (dated 5 September) amended by Laws 20/92 and 71/93 Year: 1990 Concerns: Polytechnic institutions c. STRUCTURE OF EDUCATION SYSTEM IN PORTUGAL
Stages of studies: Non-university level post-secondary studies (technical/vocational type): Non-university level: Polytechnic: As from the publication of the law 49/2005: Polytechnic institutions award the Licenciado degree after the 1st cycle of studies and the Mestre degree after the 2nd cycle of studies. The Licenciado is awarded after a period of study of 180 credits corresponding to six semesters. In certain cases, namely education and training leading to regulated professions, the Licenciado is awarded after seven or eight semesters, corresponding to 210 to 240 credits. The Mestre degree is awarded after a period of studies of three to four semesters, corresponding to 90 to 120 credits. Access to the Mestre is open to holders of the Licenciado or a foreign higher education qualification that is recognized as satisfying the objectives of a Licenciado by the appropriate competent body of the institution the student wishes to attend. Before the publication of the law 49/2005: Polytechnic institutions awarded the degrees of Bacharel (3 years) or Licenciado (4 years). “2-steps courses” of Licenciado" were also offered at polytechnic institutions. These courses were divided into two cycles, the first leading to the Bacharel degree and the second to the Licenciado degree. The first cycle lasted for six semesters, whilst the second varied between two and four semesters. Post-secondary courses were offered to those who wished to enter the labour market with a high level professional qualification. They were offered at universities and polytechnics. After completing one of these courses, the student could pursue studies leading to a licenciado.
University level studies: University level first stage: Licenciado: As from the publication of the law 49/2005: The Licenciado at universities is awarded after a period of study of six to eight semesters corresponding to 180 to 240 credits. Before the publication of the law 49/2005: The Licenciado was conferred after completion of a course usually lasting for 4 years. Many courses, however, lasted for 5 or even 6 years. Most Licenciatura courses were organized in credit units, although some were still organized per semester or academic year. f. ADMINISTRATIVE STRUCTURE OF HIGHER education
University level second stage: Mestre: As from the publication of the law 49/2005: The Mestre is awarded after a period of study of three to four semesters, corresponding to 90 to 120 credits. The Mestre can also be awarded after 10 to 12 semesters, corresponding to 300 to 360 credits for professions that are subject to EU regulations regarding their duration. Before the publication of the law 49/2005: The Mestre was an advanced degree in a specific scientific field, indicating capacity for conducting practical research. Courses usually lasted for 4 semesters and included attendance at lectures and the preparation and discussion of an original dissertation. It was only open to those who had obtained 14 out of 20 in the Licenciado or a legally equivalent course. Those who had obtained a mark below 14 could also be eligible for a Mestrado course after analysis of the curriculum by the competent academic bodies.
f. ADMINISTRATIVE STRUCTURE OF HIGHER education University level third stage: Doutor: The Doutor degree is awarded by university institutions following the writing and defense of an original thesis (doctoral thesis). There is no fixed period to prepare for the Doctorate examinations. This degree is only open to holders of a mestre degree or equivalent and those who have been awarded the licenciado degree or a legally equivalent qualification with a final mark of 16. Holders of a relevant academic scientific and professional curriculum may also apply for the doutor degree following analysis of the curriculum by the competent academic body.
f. ADMINISTRATIVE STRUCTURE OF HIGHER education University level fourth stage: Agregação This is the highest qualification reserved to holders of the Doutor degree. It requires the capacity to undertake high level research and special pedagogical competence in a specific field. It is awarded after passing specific examinations.
Teacher education: Training of pre-primary and primary/basic school teachers Educators and teachers for basic and secondary education obtain the adequate qualification through higher education courses (which award the licenciado degree) structured on the basis of professional performance needs according to the corresponding level of educational training. The educational training of educators and teachers for basic education (1st, 2nd and 3rd cycles) is offered in Escolas Superiores de Educação or universities.
Training of secondary school teachers The educational training of teachers for secondary education is offered in university institutions. The professional qualifications of teachers of vocational and artistic subjects can be obtained through licenciatura courses that are specially oriented towards the specific fields of study and completed by adequate pedagogical training. The professional qualification of teachers for secondary education can be obtained through licenciatura courses which guarantee the scientific education in the adequate field of study complemented by adequate pedagogical training.Educators and teachers of basic and secondary education may acquire the relevant qualification to become teachers for specialized education through courses that are specially orientated towards this field and administered by higher education institutions. These courses can only be attended by educators and teachers of basic and secondary education with practice in regular or special education who have successfully completed relevant courses in a higher education institution with its own appropriate resources.
Training of higher education teachers Teachers at this level receive no formal professional training, but minimum qualifications are laid down for each category. University: assistente estagiário (Licenciado); assistente (Mestre); professor auxiliar (Doutor); professor associado (Doutor and 5 years' service); professor catedrático (Agregação and 3 years' service). Polytechnics: assistente (Licenciado); professor adjunto (Mestre or holder of a DESE - Diploma de Estudos Especializados (which is no longer offered)); professor coordenador (Doutor and 3-years' service).
Non-traditional studies: Distance higher education At present, distance higher education is provided by the Universidade Aberta. (eng. - Open University)
Prof. Paulo Portela – Portugal assistant headmaster