Kymenlaakson ammattikorkeakoulu, University of Applied Sciences Academic Year 2009 2010
KyAMK | Communication Services NORWAY SWEDEN ESTONIA RUSSIA FINLAND Helsinki Kouvola Kotka Finland in Europe
KyAMK | Communication Services Finland in Brief The head of state is the president, Ms Tarja Halonen. In 2008, the volume of exported goods was 65.5 billion euros. The largest export sectors were electrical and optical equipment (23.5%), machinery and equipment (14.4%), pulp, paper and paper products (14%), and basic metals and fabricated metal products (13.2%). Official languagesFinnish, Swedish, Sami Area 130,500 miles 2 /338,145 km 2 Population ( ) 5,326,314 Population density ( ) 15.7 people/km 2 Urban population ( ) 71% Population of Helsinki, the capital ( )577,205
KyAMK | Communication Services Finland – History In 1155 the Swedish monarchy launched a crusade to Finland. A union with Sweden was to last for 600 years. In 1809 Finland was incorporated into the Russian Empire as Grand Duchy. In 1917 the Finns declared independence. Finland has been a member of the European Union since 1995.
KyAMK | Communication Services Finland – Land of A Thousand Lakes 187,888 lakes 5,100 rapids and 179,584 islands (98,050 of which are in lakes) Length of coastline 4,600 km (incl. 1,100 inlets) Largest archipelago in Europe Cultivated land 8% Forests 69% Water 10% Other 13% Area
KyAMK | Communication Services Area 5,588 km 2 (1.7% of the country) Population ( ) 182,754 Density 32,7 people/km 2 Kymenlaakso Region Area Other 56.5% Forests 21.6% Cultivated land 15.2% Water 8.6%
KyAMK | Communication Services Kymenlaakso Province Region Industrialised rapidly at the end of the 19th century Strong paper & pulp industry Good transport connections between east and west
KyAMK | Communication Services Educational System in Finland Preschool 10 Compulsory education Age Basic education Specialist vocational qualifications Specialist vocational qualifications Work experience Bachelor ’ s degrees Universities of Applied Sciences UAS Master ’ s degree Universities Doctor Licentiate Master’s degrees Bachelor ’ s degrees 3Matriculation examination 2 1 Vocational qualifications Vocational institutions and apprenticeship training Upper secondary school
KyAMK | Communication Services Structure of Studies Degree programmes 210, 240 or 270 cr 1 cr equals 27 hours of student work Bachelor’s Thesis 15 cr Work Placement 30–88 cr Professional Studies 55–120 cr Basic Studies 55–90 cr Free-choice Studies 15 cr
KyAMK | Communication Services Kymenlaakson ammattikorkeakoulu A multidisciplinary institute of higher education that produces high-quality professional expertise in close co-operation with working life and other organisations of education, training, and research. Areas of expertise are logistics, international business and health care. Owned by the towns of Kotka and Kouvola and the municipality of Iitti President Mr. Ragnar Lundqvist Turnover €29.2 million ( ) Permanent staff 399 ( ) 26 degree programmes, 4 of which are master level programmes Students total app. 4,400
KyAMK | Communication Services Vision Kymenlaakson ammattikorkeakoulu, University of Applied Sciences is a higher education institution that provides high- quality education, fosters competence, conducts applied research and engages in regional development in Southeast Finland as an important, target-oriented member of an efficient network of organisations. Values Our Target Value, high professional expertise, is based on trust co-operation skills adaptability.
KyAMK | Communication Services The Principal Undertaking of Kymenlaakso University of Applied Sciences is to provide tertiary education that responds to the requirements of the world of work, is based on research and prepares students for professional expert and managerial jobs, to support an individual’s professional and social growth and to engage in applied research and development that promotes and supports higher education, business life and regional development and takes into account the economic structure of the region. KyUAS provides and modernises adult education in order to maintain and reinforce people’s professional skills. Principal Undertaking
Objectives The main objectives of Kymenlaakso University of Applied Sciences are to offer degree programmes and training services and engage in R&D&I projects and other activities that promote welfare in the region and respond to the competence- and development-related needs of individuals, companies and other stakeholders, promoting their success. KyAMK | Communication Services
Profile The profile of KyUAS is based on expertise on socially, ecologically and technologically sustainable and safe development, promotion of innovation processes and expertise on Russia. KyUAS specialises in: energy production and related technologies efficiency and safety of transport chains rehabilitation expertise in the field of social services and health care innovative Design & Business KyAMK | Communication Services
KyAMK | Communication Services Faculties Education is divided into three faculties at Kymenlaakson ammattikorkeakoulu. Each has its own departments and degree programmes. The faculties are: Technology, Forestry and Transport Director, Mr. Juha Rissanen International Business and Culture Director, Mr. Raimo Pelli Social and Health Care Director, Ms. Seija Aalto
KyAMK | Communication Services Students by Departments Business Seafaring and Logistics Technology Design and Media Health Care Forestry and Wood Technology Social Care
KyAMK | Communication Services Locations of Departments Kouvola Business Design and Media Social and Health Care Kotka Forestry and Wood Technology Seafaring and Logistics Social and Health Care Technology
KyAMK | Communication Services Degree Programmes and Titles from 2009 Social and Health Care Bachelor of Health Care 240 cr Emergency Care Naprapathy Nursing and Health Care Bachelor of Social Services 210 cr Social Services Bachelor of Health Care 210 cr Nursing Bachelor of Social Services and Health Care 210 cr Elderly Care
KyAMK | Communication Services Degree Programmes and Titles from 2009 Technology and Transport Bachelor of Engineering 240 cr Boat Manufacturing Construction Engineering Energy Engineering Information Technology Logistics Wood Technology
KyAMK | Communication Services Degree Programmes and Titles from 2009 Forestry Bachelor of Natural Resources 240 cr Forestry Technology and Transport Bachelor of Engineering 270 cr Marine Technology (Maritime Engineer) Bachelor of Marine Technology 270 ECTS cr Marine Technology (Master Mariner)
KyAMK | Communication Services Degree Programmes and Titles from 2009 Business Administration Bachelor of Business Administration 210 cr Business Logistics Business Management International Business (taught in English) International Business – International Trade Multilingual Management Assistants Culture Bachelor of Culture and Arts 240 cr Design Design (taught in English) Media Communication Restoration
KyAMK | Communication Services Master Level Programmes Social and Health Care Master of Health Care 90 cr Master Level Programme in Health Promotion Master of Social Services 90 cr Master Level Programme in Social Services Business Administration Master of Business Administration 90 cr Master Level Programme in International Business Management (taught in English) Technology and Transport Master of Engineering 60 cr Master Level Programme in Technology Administration Master of Marine Technology 60 cr Master Level Programme in Marine Administration
KyAMK | Communication Services International Affairs Kymenlaakson ammattikorkeakoulu has an extensive network of partner universities and institutes of higher education around the world Student and staff exchange schemes and educational cooperation projects SOCRATES/ERASMUS, LEONARDO, NORDPLUS-, First and NorthSouth programmes EU and other development projects International work placements Courses taught in a foreign language Comprehensive foreign language training
KyAMK | Communication Services Student Exchange Students usually study abroad for one or two semesters App. 130 incoming/outgoing students annually Exchange to app. 20 countries annually Work placements to several countries
KyAMK | Communication Services Education in English The following Programmes are taught entirely in English: Degree Programme in International Business 210 cr International Trade and International Marketing Master Level Programme in International Business Management 90 cr Degree Programme in Design 240 cr The Degree Programme in Forest Products Marketing includes two modules in English: Sawmilling and Wood Based Panel Technologies 30 cr Forest Products Marketing 30 cr Project based education is taught in English in Design, Media, and Technology according to demand.
KyAMK | Communication Services Library and Information Services Seven specialised library units Library services: lending, interlibrary loans, information service and teaching of information management skills Statistics 2008 Electronic material (books, journals, databases) available on the Internet pages of the library Printed books and audio-visual material 117,707 Electronic material Loans255,618 Visitors139,822
KyAMK | Communication Services Training Services Training Services co-ordinate the educational services for companies and communities. open university of applied sciences specialisation studies language examinations labour market training continuing education company-specific seminar and training services career and recruitment services
KyAMK | Communication Services Research and Development R&D&I in Kymenlaakso UAS is focused on the development of the Kymenlaakso region. R&D&I activities include a wide variety of multidisciplinary research projects (technology transfer, research activities, specialist services, market research, EU projects, product development, laboratory tests). Projects are completed in cooperation with research organisations, companies, municipalities and other partners. The income of R&D&I was approximately €1.7 million in Funding comes from various sources such as ministries, companies, municipalities and Tekes (Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation).
KyAMK | Communication Services Design and Restoration Campus Utinkatu, Kouvola students app. 300
KyAMK | Communication Services International Business and Culture Campus Kasarminmäki, Kouvola students app. 1,050 Picture: Arkkitehdit NRT Oy
KyAMK | Communication Services Seafaring Campus Katariina, Kotka students app. 380
KyAMK | Communication Services Social and Health Care Campus Jylppy, Kotka students app. 350
KyAMK | Communication Services Social and Health Care Campus Sairaalamäki, Kouvola students app. 580
KyAMK | Communication Services Technology, Forestry, and Transport Campus Metsola, Kotka students app. 1,510