Faculty of Biology University of Latvia UL Faculty of Biology
LU Bioloģijas fakultāte ir vienīgā vieta Latvijā, kur var iegūt augstāko akadēmisko izglītību bioloģijā, kā arī iepazīt visas bioloģijas apakšnozares UL Faculty of Biology
Biology Bachelor Studies Biology Master Studies Professional studies Biology Doctor Studies UL Faculty of Biology
Biology Bachelor Study Programme The goal of the programme: to provide knowledge in wide spectrum of general subjects of Biology and Natural Sciences, to commence the specialisation in a selected field of Biological Sciences Degree awarded Bachelor of Natural Sciences in Biology
UL Faculty of Biology compulsory courses = part (A) 68 CP (55%) specialised courses = part (B) 44 CP (35%) free choice courses = part (C) 12 CP (10%) 3 academic years 124 credit points of UL or 186 ECTS, of them: Biology Bachelor Study Programme
UL Faculty of Biology Biology Bachelor Study Programme Study Plan, 1st Year General Biology : n Introduction to Cell Biology n Introduction to Genetics n Introduction to Microbiology n Introduction to Botany n Introduction to Zoology n Introduction to Ecology Parallel: Introduction to studies (part C)
UL Faculty of Biology Biology Bachelor Study Programme Study Plan, Part A Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry Mathematics and Informatics Organic Chemistry Biochemistry I Field Course in Botany and Zoology Genetics and Evolution Physics Biometry Plant Anatomy Plant Physiology Human Anatomy Human and Animal Physiology Environmental Protection Research Project Bachelor’s Work
Biology Bachelor Study Programme Study Plan, Part B Semester Sum of CP UL Faculty of Biology
Biology Master Study Programme The goal of the programme: to offer the possibilities to obtain the Master’s academic degree through the studies and research which combine modern theoretical and methodological knowledge in one of the branches of Biology with overwiev about the current developments in the field Degree awarded: Master of Natural Sciences in Biology
UL Faculty of Biology compulsory courses = part (A) 16 CP (20%) specialised courses = part (B) 38 CP (47.5%) Master thesis 26 CP (32.5%) 2 academic years 80 credit points Biology Master Study Programme
UL Faculty of Biology Biology Master Study Programme Study Plan, Part A Current Opinions in Biology Basic Scills for Innovation Activities
UL Faculty of Biology Biology Master Study Programme Study Plan, Part B Botany Ecology Modules – directions of theoretical studies in sub-branches of Biology: Genetics, Biochemistry and Cell Biology Human and Animal Physiology Microbiology and Biotechnology Plant Physiology Zoology and Hydrobiology
UL Faculty of Biology Doctor of Biology Study Programme The goal of the programme: to offer the possibilities to obtain the Doctor’s academic degree in a sub-branch of Biology and to educate highly qualified specialists, which are capable for independent academic, enterpreneurial and labour activities in one of the sub-branches of Biology Degree awarded: Doctor of Biology naming the branch of Biology, in which the research was accomplished
UL Faculty of Biology Doctor of Biology Study Programme academic years 144 credit points Supervised research in some sub-branch of Biology and publishing of the results CP Theoretical studies (two exams) – 14 CP Acquisition of the transferable skills – 18 CP Acquisition of the of the experience in university teaching and popularisation of Science – 12 CP
UL Faculty of Biology Main research directions of the Doctoral studies Botany Ecology Genetics, Human and Animal Physiology Plant Physiology Zoology Doctor of Biology Study Programme Biotechnology Hydrobiology and Hydroecology Microbiology Molecular Biology
UL Faculty of Biology Professional Higher Education Study Programme The goal of the programme: to ensure the obtaining of the higher professional education by the secondary school biology and elementary school chemistry teachers, granting the qualified biologists and chemists the right to work in the corresponding Latvian educational institutions in accordance with the contemporary scientifical and technological, educational and social requirements Qualification awarded: Secondary school biology and elementary schoole chemistry teacher
UL Faculty of Biology compulsory courses = part (A) 26 CP (65%) elective courses = part (B) 14 CP (35%) 1 academic year 40 credit points Professional Higher Education Study Programme
Departments and research laboratories of the Faculty of Biology Department of Plant Physiology Department of Botany and Ecology Department of Human and Animal Physiology Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology Department of Molecular Biology Department of Zoology and Animal Ecology Computer Class of the Faculty Library of the Faculty UL Faculty of Biology
Academic staff Professors 8 Associate Professors 10 Docents 7 Lecturers 7 UL Faculty of Biology
Institutes and laboratories of the University of Latvia Institute of Aquatic Ecology Institute of Biology Institute of Experimental and Clinical Medicine Institute of Microbiology and Biotechnology Institute of Microbiology and Virology Biomedicine Research and Study Centre Botanical Garden Laboratory of Gene Expression Laboratory of Geographic Information Systems Laboratory of Plant Tissue Cultures Museum of Systematic Zoology Rhododendron-breeding Nursery UL Faculty of Biology
Faculty of Biology University of Latvia UL Faculty of Biology