ALEAP-Since 1993 Association of Lady Entrepreneurs of India (A New Leaf in Entrepreneurial History) Section 25 company ISO FAB Cell : Motivation and Counseling CED : Training Infrastructure : Industrial Parks ACGA : Access to Finance Vipani : Marketing Vandemataram : Skill Development Program Incubators : Gain Experience
CENTER FOR ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT (CED) Seamless Service Since 1997 Registered under Society Act, ISO Sphere heading the movement of Entrepreneurship sponsored by various Ministries, Govt. organizations, Institutions and Nationalised banks. RANGE OF SERVICES: For Women and Youth Motivation Counselling Training Mentoring Hand Holding Incubation Educational Institutions – Industry Linkages Networking Seminars and exhibitions B to B meetings Patents and IPR Export Import Awareness Dissemination of Information on new Policies & Incentives
PRESENT SCENARIO.. INDIAN CONTEXT NSSO Survey – Next 20 years 400 Million people are below the age of 35, Striving for Better Tomorrow START UP AND STAND UP – Job Providers MAKE IN INDIA – Job creation 1.Gearing up of Entrepreneurs 2.Training for Quality manufacturing 3.Aiming for Sustainable Businesses 4.Seeking Reliability and competitiveness OPPORTUNITIES – Entrepreneurship ranges in scale from solo projects to major undertakings.
INDUSTRY ACADEMIA COLLABORATION OPEN DAY: START UP FESTS Provide common platform to START Ups, Provide Expert Advice from experienced Entrepreneurs Creation of Entrepreneurial Eco System Exchange of ideas and Knowledge Showcasing innovation and providing a collaboration platform One day Awareness programs on Skill Development Encouraging New innovative Ideas. Importance to Green Technology and Technology Transfer
SUCCESS STORY Mrs. K. Suvarna, Perfect Fabric Care, Hyderabad Dry cleaning, polishing and washing Year attended EDP: 2014 Year of establishment: 2014 Investment: Rs/ L Number of employees: 6 Type of Industry: Service Clients: Neighbourhood Monthly Income: Rs/- 15,000
SUCCESS STORY Venkata Naga Lakshmi M, CANE COKE, Hyderabad. Multi flavoured Tea, Sugarcane juice machine manufacturing unit. Year attended EDP: 2014 Year of establishment : 2014 Investment : Rs/-10 lakh Number of employees: 7 Type of Industry: Manufacturing Type of production: Micro Industry Clients: Sugarcane juice, tea vendors Monthly income: Rs/- 40,000
SUCCESS STORY Vijaya Lakshmi, KESARI FOODS, Hyderabad Brand name: WOW Year attended EDP Year of establishment: Sep 2014 Investment: 30L Employment: 10 Specialty: Eggless cookies Major Clients: Hotels, Hospitals in Hyderabad Monthly income: 50,000Rs
SUCCESS STORY Ms. P. Nagaveni, Esther Graphics & Printers, Guntur, A.P Year attended EDP: 2014 Year of establishment : 2014 Type of Industry: Service Type of production: Micro Investment: Rs/-3 L Employment: 4 Clients: Educational Institutions, students, add agencies etc. Monthly Income: Rs/- 20,000
SUCCESS STORY A. Gowri: Gowri beauty parlour Year attended EDP: 2013 Year of establishment :2013 Type of Industry: Service Location: Guntur, A.P Investment : Rs/-2 L Clients: Neighbours, friends Profit: Rs/- 20,000
CED Thank You Dr Jyothi Rao