EML 2023 – Modeling, Parts Lecture 1.1 –Configuring SolidWorks
1.Right click on the Zip file and save to your computer.Zip file 2.Create a directory in your 'home' directory named UFtemplates. 3.Extract the files from the zip file you downloaded and put them in the directory you just created. 4.Start Solidworks. Select Tools -> Options. Click on File Locations. 5.Show folders for: Document Templates. Click Add and browse for the folder you just created. 6.Show folders for: Sheet Formats. Click Add and browse for the folder you just created. 7.Next show folders for: BOM Templates. Click Add and browse for the folder you just created. Click OK and exit the Options menu. Installing the UF SolidWorks templates
From now on when you create a new document in Advanced mode, you will see a tab on the templates dialog box as shown below.