Honors Earth Science MONDAY 8/20/2012 Agenda: * Bell Ringer (on screen) 5 minutes * Overview of Earth Science (outline) 10 minutes * Measurement: units and tools 5 minutes * Classwork 30 minutes * Homework assignment
Bell Ringer (1 st period quiz) Identify the independent and dependent variables in the following hypotheses. 1. Students who arrive to class on time have higher overall grades. 2. Students who listen to music while doing homework turn in homework more frequently.
Four Branches of Earth Science ● Astronomy: Solar System, Star Formation ● Meteorology Weather and Climate, Atmosphere ● Geology Rocks and Rock Formation, Tectonic Plates, Geologic Time and Fossils ● Oceanography Waves and Tides
Earth's Systems ● Lithosphere: Earth (surface and beneath the surface) ● Hydrosphere: water ● Atmosphere: air/gas ● Biosphere: living organisms and environments
Classwork ● Make and use a graph that shows how the annual average surface temperature of the Earth has varied over the past 500 years. The data in the table are global average surface temperatures, in Kelvins, starting in the year ● Your title is “Average Surface Temperature of Earth.” ● On your sheet, you need to have a data table of temperatures in Celsius (step 1 on next slide), then a graph, then answer analysis questions.
Classwork – Graphing 1. Convert each temperature from kelvins to degrees Celsius by subtracting 273 from each value. 2. Determine appropriate scales for your graph (range of years on x-axis, range of temperatures in Celsius on y-axis).
Classwork – Analysis Questions For the following sentences, please answer in complete sentences and use evidence directly from your graph. 3. Describe the general trend shown by the data. 4. How has Earth's average surface temperature changed with time? 5. Use the graph to determine the average surface temperature for Extrapolate the data to predict what the average surface temperature will be in the year 2100.
Concept Map Homework Assignment (Section 1.2 Assessment) ● Use the terms below to make a concept map that summarizes the units used to measure each quantity. Time s Density km Mass g/mL Volume cm 3 Temperature °C Length kg