Using Your Endicott Laptop
hardware HP 17” laptop DVD drive with a little printer inside 149GB hard drive fast processor, lots of regular and video RAM mouse with scroll wheel USB drive
ergonomics screen height head and arm positions Lighting stylish padded back-pack – use it on BOTH shoulders to avoid discomfort
eating Don’t eat your laptop Don’t eat on your laptop Don’t eat around your laptop Don’t rest your coffee on that extra space next to the touch pad
let’s enter the classroom turn off your firewall turn on SynchronEyes click Connect type in your name click the radio button to enter an address log into me, at
screen geography
speed up “My Computer”
make your workspace special… Turn on the Quick Launch Bar Drag frequently used icons onto it Turn off the language bar (it does nothing) Turn off unwanted programs Change the background to avoid eyestrain When informational dialog boxes pop up, click the button to avoid seeing them again
stick it to Microsoft
software Some things pre-loaded – Photoshop Elements, SketchUp – MS Office 2007 (Word, PowerPoint, etc) – PDF converter, plotter drivers Others you’ll have to install – AutoCAD, Revit, periodic updates, anti-spyware When asked for Automatic Updates from Microsoft, say yes – From most other sources, say no
no-no’s music and video sharing is risky and clogs your system download stuff only from known or vaguely trustworthy sources think twice about opening attachments back-up often, since your computer will be ERASED if there’s a problem Yes, I said ERASED
Backing up YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE For your birthday: ask for an external hard drive (500G is plenty) Use Foxmarks (or similar) to back up bookmarks By the way, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE
Windows Explorer and SynchBack Both use a “Directory Structure” of folders within folders within folders They’re freebies Never have just one copy of a file Back up at least once a week
internet proxy settings Off campus looks like this:
REPLY to instructors to acknowledge receipt spoken language standards and formality – save oddities for IM Re-read before sending save copies – use Outlook for convenience – requires forwarding your Endicott – Multiple accounts – scheduling
Looking at the software MS Office 2007 SketchUp
AutoCAD sign up at they'll probably you a password (don't throw it out!) log in and go to the Software Downloads AutoCAD Electrical 2008 and click Get Serial On the next screen, you're issued a serial number – memorize it Launch AutoCADand go to Help>License info in the pull-down menu select the option to Authorize it, and put in the Serial number from the website (warning – this is very, very slow to load!) This generates a "request code" on the website Now you have to enter that request code at yet another website: The trick is that you have to sign up for this second site also - you can't just use your other username and password
problems? Internet, printing, Trend-micro anti virus: go to IT in College Hall Hardware problems: Connie Burke, our laptop coordinator (LIB 123, ) ID software problems, see your instructor, or Prof. Brody Printing and Labs: John O’Melia
see you again in two years