Graduate Student Orientation Department of Educational Leadership, Evaluation, & Organizational Development (ELEOD)
LOUISVILLE.EDU Graduate Student Orientation Getting Started Thanks for choosing the University of Louisville! The commitment you have made is not something we take lightly. We are proud you are with us. Expectations are high. It will not be easy, but we believe you will be successful. You are prepared to meet these lofty expectations based upon your effort and experience in the workforce You are ready!
LOUISVILLE.EDU Graduate Student Orientation Logistics of Online Learning
LOUISVILLE.EDU Graduate Student Orientation Logistics of Online Learning Technology you will need and use include: Blackboard UofL LiveText University systems typically use a OneLogin System. That means you have one username and password for all of your accounts (separate from LiveText)
LOUISVILLE.EDU Graduate Student Orientation Logistics of Online: Blackboard Blackboard is the University's online course content management system An online repository of all your classes If taking online classes, you will use Blackboard extensively
LOUISVILLE.EDU Graduate Student Orientation Logistics of Online: LiveText LiveText is a web-based software designed to aid in the development of portfolios, course assignments, and outcomes based projects. Each student in the CEHD is required to have an account. Will need to purchase soon. Student membership can be purchased at More info about LiveText and how to purchase an account is available at
LOUISVILLE.EDU Graduate Student Orientation Logistics of Online: UofL University account: It may not be your primary , but it is one of the primary means of communication with students at UofL. All official communication goes here. CardMail FAQs faqs/forwarding-cardmail-to-exchange faqs/forwarding-cardmail-to-exchange
LOUISVILLE.EDU Graduate Student Orientation Logistics of Online: Twitter and FB OLL has an online community on both Facebook and Twitter We use these sites to share information, post announcements and exciting news You can find and follow many of our faculty on sites like Twitter and LinkedIn
LOUISVILLE.EDU Graduate Student Orientation Resources & Information
LOUISVILLE.EDU Financial Aid Bursar’s Office University Bookstore Delphi Center Campus Health Services University Libraries Disability Services Student Fitness and Recreational Sports Graduate Student Orientation Student Services
LOUISVILLE.EDU School of Interdisciplinary & Graduate Studies Educational Advising Student Services (EASS) Career Services Office Graduate Catalog Academic Calendars Graduate Student Council Fulbright Information Scholarships, Funding, and Aid Graduate Student Orientation Graduate Services
LOUISVILLE.EDU Graduate Student Orientation Title IX & Sexual Harassment Sexual misconduct (sexual harassment, sexual assault, and any other nonconsensual behavior of a sexual nature) and sex discrimination violate University policies. Students experiencing such behavior may obtain confidential support from the PEACC Program , Counseling Center and Campus Health Services To report sexual misconduct or sex discrimination, contact the Dean of Students ( ) or University of Louisville Police ( ).
LOUISVILLE.EDU Graduate Student Orientation Title IX & Sexual Harassment Disclosure to University faculty or instructors of sexual misconduct, domestic violence, dating violence, or sex discrimination occurring on campus, in a University-sponsored program, or involving a campus visitor or University student or employee (whether current or former) is not confidential under Title IX. Faculty and instructors must forward such reports, including names and circumstances, to the University’s Title IX officer. For more information, see the Sexual Misconduct Resource Guide ployeerelations/sexual- misconduct-brochure
LOUISVILLE.EDU Program of Study Sheets Graduate Student Orientation
LOUISVILLE.EDU A Program of Study (POS) Sheet is a from used to lay out which classes you will take and when you will take them You will need to take the lead in filling this form out and sending to your Advisor It is a guide and is flexible. Do not over think it, or be anxious about it Used to map courses and forecast classes into the future Graduate Student Orientation Program of Study Sheets
Complete soon and send to your advisor to be filed with EASS Must be filed by end of your first semester or you will have a registration hold Place the semester and year you plan to take each class next to each course Take 617 within first two semesters Must take 616 during the final semester Send advisor an updated program sheet whenever you deviate from original. Keep a copy for yourself Graduate Student Orientation Program of Study Sheets
LOUISVILLE.EDU Part time only two classes a semester Full time three classes a semester Complimentary Classes: 617 and 605 (first semester) 661 and 611 (second semester) 662 and 612 or 672 (third semester) 631 and 671 or 663 (fourth semester) 614 and 664 (fifth semester) 616 (final semester) Graduate Student Orientation Program of Study Sheets
LOUISVILLE.EDU HROD Specific Information Graduate Student Orientation
LOUISVILLE.EDU Faculty Advisor | First Point of Contact Program Director Administrative Support Staff Ms. Kelly Ising (ELEOD Administrative Assistant) Mr. Frank Willoughby, III (ELEOD Business Manager) Ms. Jody Morkin (CEHD Educator Licensure Specialist) Ms. Delsie Essig Graduate Student Orientation HROD Key Personnel
LOUISVILLE.EDU Be prepared to put in what you expect to get out of the degree. Be hungry. Get Involved. travel to a conference | study abroad | consider a Fulbright | do research | present your original work | service learning | professional societies Your faculty will expect high quality work and critical thinking Peers (and faculty) are more than people you see in class —they represent a network to draw upon now and in the future Pay close attention to deadlines (e.g., graduation, registration, etc.) Graduate Student Orientation Getting the Most from Your Experience
LOUISVILLE.EDU Your advisor does many things (Top Tier R1) Faculty often advise students about substantive academic and career goals Feels big, but you are very connected and supported. Success is end goal Advisors cannot lift most holds or take care of logistical issues. Contact office that has placed the hold or have the issue with Graduate Student Orientation Working with Your Advisor
LOUISVILLE.EDU No one size fits all course design All courses have a designated meeting time (including online). You will need to make each session Each faculty member has their own policy about missed classes Instructors design schedules to meet objectives of each class including synchronous and asynchronous assignments and touch points Graduate Student Orientation Taking Classes
LOUISVILLE.EDU APA Style Guide University of Louisville Writing Center PurdueOWL Counseling Center Graduate Student Orientation Academic Resources
LOUISVILLE.EDU Final Thoughts Graduate Student Orientation
LOUISVILLE.EDU Graduate Student Orientation Final Thoughts We have been preparing for you We are excited you are here with us and in this Program This will be a rewarding and worthwhile partnership – we hope you get the most out of your time with us You are ready and we are ready for you!