Mapping ODF to HTML WebODF online and offline office
Jos van den Oever WebODF online and offline office Consulting, design, implementation of information systems using open document standards Experienced in Developing office suites Open source software/Cross-platform software Semantic technologies Data-mining Community interaction
Office Suites are moving into the cloud WebODF online and offline office
Where are the Free Software alternatives? AbiWord Gnumeri c WebODF online and offline office
ODF vs HTML Technical differences Software ecosystem User perception Sensible strategy Demonstration WebODF online and offline office
Open Document Format ● Format for Office Documents ● Open Standard ● All-in-one (zip) ● Still improving WebODF online and offline office
Technical differences WebODF online and offline office
Software ecosystem: HTML Netscape Mosaic Internet Explorer Opera KHTML Mozilla Firefox WebKit Safari QtWebKit Chrome GtkWebKit WebODF online and offline office HTML
Software ecosystem: ODF WordPerfect MS Office StarOffice KOffice AbiWord ODF FreOffice LibreOffice Google Docs Symphony EuroOffice WebODF online and offline office
User perception WebODF online and offline office
Sensible strategy Use web technology to write ODF software Use HTML and javascript as an application Load ODF XML as is into the HTML document Apply CSS styling derived from and WebODF online and offline office
WebODF Initial Goal: Reusable simple ODF viewer and editor for online and offline Method: HTML5 WebODF online and offline office
WebODF online and offline office
First three Implementations Other easy options: Firefox extension, Android, Iphone, C#, C++, WebODF online and offline office
Advantages ● Live ODF is the same as the saved ODF ● On-line office with no server side code required ● Add ODF support to almost any application (HTML, Qt, Gtk, QML,...) ● No compilation ● Easy runtime document inspection ● Developing on-line is possible ● Small codebase WebODF online and offline office
There are on-line office suites WebODF online and offline office
WebODF is the only free one WebODF online and offline office
Converting styles.xml to CSS ODF Hello ODF text url(urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:text:1.0); text|p[text|style-name="Elegant"] { font-style: italic; }
ZIP format mimetype application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text meta.xml settings.xml styles.xml content.xml
Images are inline No separate RDF files Embedded ODF documents are in the same file
DOM mimetype application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text meta.xml settings.xml styles.xml content.xml
DOM <office:document office:mimetype= "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text" office:version='1.2'>
How does it work? 1) Load style and content XML from ODF 2) Import content XML into an HTML page 3) Convert styles XML to CSS 4) Enjoy