Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT Co-ordinated by #APARSEN CoE offerings Simon Lambert STFC All Hands Meeting, Amsterdam, 25 September 2014
CoE offerings Simon Lambert, STFC All Hands Meeting, Amsterdam, 25 Sep 2014 Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT #APARSEN Timeline Initial call for offerings for the CoE Deliverable D11.4 Renewed call This meetingLaunch event Final deliverable D11.6
CoE offerings Simon Lambert, STFC All Hands Meeting, Amsterdam, 25 Sep 2014 Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT #APARSEN Factors relevant to offerings Value proposition Potential markets Potential competitors Opportunities and threats Underpinning by the common vision
CoE offerings Simon Lambert, STFC All Hands Meeting, Amsterdam, 25 Sep 2014 Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT #APARSEN Types of offerings Consultancy Software products Training Other services/products/tools
CoE offerings Simon Lambert, STFC All Hands Meeting, Amsterdam, 25 Sep 2014 Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT #APARSEN Reminder of contents of D11.4
CoE offerings Simon Lambert, STFC All Hands Meeting, Amsterdam, 25 Sep 2014 Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT #APARSEN Reminder of contents of D11.4
CoE offerings Simon Lambert, STFC All Hands Meeting, Amsterdam, 25 Sep 2014 Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT #APARSEN (Provisional) offerings from D11.4 Consultancy –APA: Consultancy in digital preservation to research, library, government and commercial organisations, adding value, data management plans, best practice, preparation for audits etc –CERN: Consultancy on "bit preservation" techniques and experience –CINI: Consultancy to private and public organisations on design and implementation of digital preservation repositories –DANS: Consultancy in research data management to research organisations (data curation, data storage, data documentation, etc.) –DNB: Risk management during the ingest process based on DNB's ingest level policy –DPC: occasional consultancy around topics from its strategic plan
CoE offerings Simon Lambert, STFC All Hands Meeting, Amsterdam, 25 Sep 2014 Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT #APARSEN (Provisional) offerings from D11.4 Consultancy –FORTH: Semantic Technologies for Digital Preservation. Automated Reasoning for Interoperability –FTK: digital Preservation to SMEs, Memory Institutions, Public Administration, etc.; Advanced R&D as well as Proof-of-Concept Prototypes, Feasibility Studies and DP Market Research –Helmholtz: Consultancy in open science policy; data publication journals; data and publications repository management –ICT: strategies, roadmaps, requests for proposals, market surveys and project structuring –SBA: services for libraries, governments and commercial companies in the areas of digital preservation and preservation planning
CoE offerings Simon Lambert, STFC All Hands Meeting, Amsterdam, 25 Sep 2014 Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT #APARSEN (Provisional) offerings from D11.4 Consultancy –STFC: research data management and curation for (scientific) data- holding organisations; advice on repository audit/certification; advice on digital preservation policies and linking policies to operations –Tessella: many areas of practical digital preservation –UKDA: research data management, and digital curation to research, government and commercial organisations –UNITN: Persistent Identifiers and interoperability solutions and services
CoE offerings Simon Lambert, STFC All Hands Meeting, Amsterdam, 25 Sep 2014 Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT #APARSEN (Provisional) offerings from D11.4 Software products/support –APA: Dedicated implementation of SCIDIP-ES services and customisation of service installation and tools –CINI: SCIDIP-ES Authenticity Toolkit –DANS: Software development concerning the management and dissemination of research data –DNB: International URN:NBN cluster as a common infrastructure for URN resolving with one resolving service for multiple URN namespaces –FORTH: tools and systems ranging from semantic registries and semantic repositories, to tools that can automate the ingestion process or interoperability testing
CoE offerings Simon Lambert, STFC All Hands Meeting, Amsterdam, 25 Sep 2014 Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT #APARSEN (Provisional) offerings from D11.4 Software products/support –ICT: Custom-tailored software implementations in the areas of long- term preservation and collaborative engineering environments –STFC: Customisation of some of the toolkits coming out of SCIDIP- ES –Tessella: SDB and Preservica products –UKDA: HASSET (Humanities and Social Sciences Electronic Thesaurus) –UNITN: Entity Name System (ENS), a system for managing the lifecycle of globally unique identifiers and their interoperability with alternative identifiers
CoE offerings Simon Lambert, STFC All Hands Meeting, Amsterdam, 25 Sep 2014 Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT #APARSEN (Provisional) offerings from D11.4 Training courses –APA: Most aspects of digital preservation, from fundamentals of OAIS and preservation of all types of digitally encoded information –CINI: Courses at several different levels: management executives, technical and operational staff. Possibly taylored on specific needs, may cover most aspects of the management and preservation process of digital data –DANS: Most aspects of research data management –DNB: Annual nestor school –DPC: Range of training courses from elementary through to advanced and subject specialist courses –FORTH: topics on Knowledge Management for Digital Preservation
CoE offerings Simon Lambert, STFC All Hands Meeting, Amsterdam, 25 Sep 2014 Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT #APARSEN (Provisional) offerings from D11.4 Training courses –FTK: Construction and coordination of regional, national and international training programs and materials –ICT: For all InConTec consulting services and custom-tailored software –SBA: Special topics: preservation planning, content analysis, software escrow, process preservation, data citation, data security –STFC: Training for other scientific data organisations in data preservation issues –Tessella: User and/or Admin training available on PRESERVICA, PRESERVICA LE and SDB –UKDA: Annual 'How to Run a Data Service' training courses; research data management (for researchers, with elements of DP) –UNITN: services to "okkamize" entities in digital documents and resources and integrate information across systems and platforms
CoE offerings Simon Lambert, STFC All Hands Meeting, Amsterdam, 25 Sep 2014 Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT #APARSEN (Provisional) offerings from D11.4 Other services/products/tools –DANS: Trusted Digital Repository for research data sets; additional documentation activities to correct and adjust the documentation and organisation –DNB: Didigo (Diagnose Digital Objects) service for format identification, validation, technical metadata. –FTK: Continuing the roadmapping processes for training and education as well as for stakeholder communities in the field of DP infrastructures and continuing the validation process for the DP curriculum –Globit: Operation of the Online Training Portal (OTP) for providing training and qualification in DP; Content management for DP learning resources; etc.
CoE offerings Simon Lambert, STFC All Hands Meeting, Amsterdam, 25 Sep 2014 Co-funded by the European Union under FP7-ICT #APARSEN (Provisional) offerings from D11.4 Other services/products/tools –LIBER: DART-Europe Thesis Portal –SBA: Case studies, feasibility studies, focused research projects –UNITN: A wide set of services are offered to support applications to retrieve entity identifiers. These are available to developers as SOAP Web Service or HTTP REST-like Web services, and to final users through web applications #APARSEN Network of Excellence