Mason Feed Store Proudly providing wildlife and agriculture products and services to land and wildlife managers
The ranching industry has a major stake in how grasslands, rangelands, and tame pastures function and are managed. Ranching families make valuable contributions such as managed grazing, prescribed fire, and land stewardship to the conservation and sustainable use of grasslands.
But ranchers face a growing number of challenges and some are leaving the ranching industry, putting long-term grasslands sustainability in jeopardy.
What are the Challenges?
Family farmers and ranchers are getting older The average age of the US beef cattle operator is 59, up from 56 in 2002 (US 2012 Census of Agriculture). Nearly 30% of ranchers are 65 years or older and fewer than 10% are under 35.
Fewer youth are entering the ranching industry and fewer youth are able to make agriculture a life career Less than 6% of the ranchers are 35 years of age. The number of young ranchers leaving the cattle ranching industry within the 35 to 50 age group is increasing (Census 2002 & 2012).
57% of US ranchers have an outside source of income. By 2012, 65% of US ranchers have a second job off the ranch (2002 Census). 44% of US ranchers spent more than 200 days working off the farm they own.
But, cattlemen still play a vital role in feeding America.
The average US ranch supplies 475 American consumers with beef for one year. Mason County alone, produce enough beef to feed nearly 1 million persons. Texas leads the nation in the production of cattle, hay, sheep, goats, and mohair. Texas ranks 6 th overall in export agriculture. 1 of every 7 working Texans (14%) work in agriculture related jobs. FACTS
Healthy grasslands provide the livelihood for cattlemen. But healthy grasslands also produce secondary societal benefits such as plant pollination, carbon sequestration, nutrient cycling, erosion control, water cycling, soil and biodiversity conservation, habitat, food, spiritual and cultural value, and endless aesthetic beauty. These ecosystem goods and services help sustain and support human life.
Thanks Mason Feed Store supports production agriculture and thanks area farmers and ranchers for their dedicated efforts.