Seven Free Neat Things for New Hams: An overview of cool resources, tools and services that they didn't teach you about in the license manual. Donald K – AE6RF 9/4/09
Purpose & Scope Purpose: –To introduce new hams (and others) to a number of fun and useful resources that they might not know about. Scope: –This is an overview, not in depth discussion
Neat Thing #1: Online call sign look-up & database Each ham has their own personalized web page
Please at minimum add your address Customize at will # of views is proxy metric for activity (weighted to HF) –Bob, K6XX: –Donald, AE6RF: 6480 –Cece, KJ6BNO: 113
Neat Thing #2: Equipment reviews & Classified ads
Paid members see ads 24 hours earlier than non-paid
Neat Thing #3: Free Logging Software DxKeeper – XMLog –
Neat Thing #4: eQSL
Neat Thing #5: EchoLink EchoLink allows Ham Radio stations to communicate over the Internet, using voice- over-IP (VoIP) technology. Computer-to-computer Computer-to-radio too!
Neat Thing #6: Rig Control Ham Radio Deluxe – Controls your radio from your computer REALLY Neat –Can control other, REMOTE radios over the internet!!!
Neat Thing #7: Incoming QSL Bureau Send them address stickers & $0.70 per envelope, they’ll bring you DX QSL cards a couple times a year How to: –You must send a self-sticking label with your call sign, name and address for each envelope ordered. –The W6 QSL Bureau prefers to supply envelopes for you. Each envelope, including one first class stamp, is 70 cents each. I lied… This is is ALMOST free…
Time for a quiz! 3.Free logging software 5.EchoLink 6.HRD rig control – even remote 7.Incoming QSL Bureau