6 th grade CTA Curriculum Night Mrs. Ferber
Meet Mrs. Ferber I am a military brat that was born and raised in Okinawa, Japan. Married with children, 2 boys – Zaiden & Athan. “Daughter” pet dog, Bailey
Goals for this year To give students the academic and social skills they need to progress to junior high. To provide a supportive and challenging classroom environment. To encourage students to take a leadership role in their education.
Reading Journeys: Vocabulary, Comprehension, Answering questions with Text Evidence Thinkcentral.com – Online testing Access to story, Reader’s Notebook, tests taken Independent Reading Weekly unit tests
Grammar Speaking Skills Grammar Notebooks Parts of speech Sentence types Punctuation Editing Book Reports Oral recitations
Spelling Oral phoneme review, written phoneme review, phonogram tests Spalding Notebooks to work on phonograms, spelling words, cursive handwriting, and Spalding rules. 25 words/week, syllablication in Spalding Notebook. Reader’s Notebook HW pages Spelling tests on Friday
Writing 6 Traits of Writing Writing process Text Types: Argumentative Narrative Informative/Explanatory Thinking Maps: Write From the Beginning
Math Glencoe Math (7th grade textbook) Online access through Infinite campus – Student Links (ConnectEd) Power-ups: math facts, mental math Math Journals – Notes & problem solving Skills reinforced through homework and classwork (Homework M-Th) Tests/quizzes assess mastery
7 th grade Math topics Analyze proportional relationships and use them to solve real world problems. Operations with fractions to add, subtract, multiply, and divide rational numbers. Use properties of operations to generate equivalent expressions. Solve problems using numerical and algebraic expressions and equations. Draw, construct, and describe geometrical figures and describe the relationships between them. Solve problems involving angle measure, area, surface area, and volume. Use random sampling to draw inferences about a population. Draw informal comparative inferences about two populations. Investigate chance processes, and develop, use, and evaluate probability models.
Science – Mrs. Ferber Harcourt Science Books Meet twice a week Life Science: cells, plants, & ecosystems. Physical Science: transfer of energy, forms of energy, & electricity and magnetism. Earth Science: water cycle, ocean, atmosphere, & weather. Science Fair
Social Studies – Mrs. Montaño Meet twice a week Ancient Native American civilizations Mesopotamia Egypt Rome & Greece Middle Ages Ancient Asia Ancient Africa Current Events Geography and world religions are incorporated in the study of civilizations
Grading Scale :A 80-89: B 70-79: C 60-69:D < 59: F Currently the district is using infinite campus. You can login just as you did last school year to see your child’s grades.
Homework Math homework daily Reader’s Notebook pages: Spelling & Grammar Independent Reading – Reading Journal responses Projects and recitations will require extra time. Homework is not just paper/pencil, they need to be studying for upcoming tests.
Rules 1. Be ready to learn 2. Be respectful 3. Do your best 4. Follow directions Classroom behavior will be monitored using the clip chart. Students will bring home reflections if they end their day on ‘Teacher’s Choice’ or ‘Parent Contact.’ Please sign.
Communication Agenda Please sign every night Newsletters I will on Fridays for the next week Homework Corner Website: Announcement, schedule, poems, book reports, book orders etc. Pictures!!! Shutterfly site link is on my website. Password: Carlson
Science Camp!!! We will be going to Science Camp on February 27 – March 1. Science Camp Information Letters to come Tax credit donations can be used to pay for science camp. Fingerprinting session on: Monday, September 268-9am, 2:45-3:30pm Tuesday, September 272:45-3:30pm
Let’s Have a Great Year!