EUMEDGRID-Support Project Onur Temizsoylu 21st EUGRIDPMA Meeting Utrecht 24 January 2011.


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Presentation transcript:

EUMEDGRID-Support Project Onur Temizsoylu 21st EUGRIDPMA Meeting Utrecht 24 January 2011

Project Status Support Action co-funded by European Commission under: Capacities specific program - Research Infrastructures - FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES Project ID Duration: 24 months Start: 1 st January 2010 Budget (EU contribution): 740 k€ Budget (Total): 867 k€

Project Partners 14 Partners + 2 Third Parties from 13 Countries + United Arab Emirates (ANKABUT)

Project Partners Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (Coordinator) INFN Italy Centre de Calcul el Khawarezmi CCK Tunisia Centre de recherche sur l’information scientifique et technique CERIST Algeria Centre National pour la Recherche Scientifique et Technique CNRST Morocco Consorzio COMETA COMETA Italy Cyprus Research and Academic Network CYNET Cyprus Egyptian Universities Network EUN Egypt Consortium GARR GARR Italy CNRS - Institut des grilles CNRS-IDG France Higher Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology HIAST Syria Jordanian University Network JUNET Jordan Trust-IT Services LtdTrust-IT UK TUBITAK Ulusal Akademık Ag ve Bılgı Merkezı TUBITAK ULAKBIM Turkey University of Malta UOM Malta – HealthGrid is a third party of CNRS – Islamic University of Gaza is a third party of GARR

The EUMEDGRID e-Infrastructure December 2010: 33 EUMEDGRID sites deployed in 13 countries, for a total of 1800 connected Servers and about 84 TBs of storage capacity

Objectives & Strategic Lines Support the consolidation and expansion of the EUMEDGRID Infrastructure with a special emphasis on sustainability. Top-Down approach: – High Level Policy Dissemination – Involve institutions and ministries to include eInfrastructures in the political agenda Bottom-Up approach: – Create a Two Levels network of Competence Centres – Involve new user communities – Strongly cooperate with other projects and initiatives relevant for the Mediterranean – Create critical mass to exploit the available resources and build consensus.


WP2 Objectives Creating and sustaining awareness of EUMEDGRID-Support goals and initiatives Providing a forum for the exchange and transfer of knowledge Effectively conveying outcomes to the target audience and wider international distributed computing and research community through multi-channel tools

WP3 Objectives Support the applications of relevance in the region; Identify new relevant applications; Create a two-tier Competence Centre that will support application porting; Study and deliver a strategy for the long term sustainability of the support system.

WP4 Objectives Support the consolidation of the existing EUMedGrid infrastructure – And for the development of e-Infrastructures in the Mediterranean region in general Ensure the short and long term sustainability of the EUMedGrid infrastructure Promote the completion of the process of creation of CAs in the MPCs Perform advanced dissemination actions – In cooperation with the EPIKH project

WP4 structure Work package 4 is organized in 3 tasks: – Task 4.1: EuMedGrid e-Infrastructure support and sustainability (GARR, INFN, CYNET, UoM, TUBITAK-ULAKBIM, Trust-IT) – Task 4.2: Consolidation of Certification Authorities in the Mediterranean (TUBITAK-ULAKBIM, INFN, CCK, CERIST, CNRST, EUN, HIAST, JUNET, UoM) – Task 4.3: Synergies with other project and initiatives (INFN, CNRS-IDG, GARR, COMETA, TUBITAK-ULAKBIM, CCK)

Consolidating NGIs NGI Monitoring Accounting M/WRepo. Cert. Auth. VOMS VOMS 1 st Level user supp. DataCatalogs Info. Syst. L&B WMS

Consolidating the Regional Infrastructure MED M/W release Monitoring Accounting Catch-all CA Global VOMS 2 nd Level user supp. Gen. Info. System Knowledge repo. High level Grid services

Task Implementation Task 4.2 will – Support partners to set up and run national CAs Summarizing the current status in each country/NGI – Guide them about the EUGridPMA Certification Policy and Certification Practice Statements Aiming at having them accredited by the EUGridPMA – Operate the CAs in the Med countries In direct contact and collaboration with the NGIs – Organize the users support with respect to the catch-all CA (IGI/INFNGRID) – Ensure packaging and distribution of the CAs files and documents once all partners have their operational CA

CA Progress in the MED Region Project partner countries Italy, Morocco, Turkey and Cyprus already have their own running Certification Authorities. Syria – the CP/CPS documents have been already submitted to the EUGridPMA for accreditation, and a first review has already taken place. Algeria – DZ e-Science CP/CPS document has been already submitted to the EUGridPMA (Waiting for review)

CA Progress in the MED Region Jordan – Jordan has already written its CP/CPS document to define the Certification Authority policies and this document has been sent to the WP4 task coordinator for CAs (TUBITAK- ULAKBIM) for review. Egypt – Egypt has just started to prepare CP/CPS document. Next Countries – United Arab Emirates and Tunisia (!)

Application lifecycle EUMED APPS support team

Events Workshops targeting relevant scientific domains. – Rome October “Environmental Radioactivity: New Frontiers and Developments” – Lebanon Universite Saint-Joseph in Beyrouth May/June 2011 – “Health and Physics” – ICTP Trieste November 2011 – “Climate Change” (in cooperation with EU-IndiaGrid2). – And others… Grid schools in cooperation with the EPIKH project (applications can be submitted at – Algiers – 28 June – 15 July 2010 – Cairo – October November 2010


For further information Federico Ruggieri (Project Director) Mario Reale (Technical Manager) Federica Tanlongo (External Relations) Hilary Hanahoe (Dissemination) Riccardo Bruno (Applications) Visit: Contact: