Teleworking is the general term, referring to technology such as video and data conferencing which allows people and businesses to work with each other in a verity of different places, such as abroad. Telework - A work arrangement where managers or supervisors direct or permit employees to perform their usual job duties away from their central workplace, providing that they do the work to the same standard as they would in the work place or office.
AdvantagesDisadvantages Teleworking is a good way for the disabled, elderly, or those with young families to work from home, without the hassle of commuting or working to conventional office hours, such as 9-5 Less integration with other employees of the firm, and the managers. Employee may feel distant. This can especially feel awkward at work functions in the employees don’t know each other. Can disrupt teamwork and organisational culture Employee can avoid interruptions to their work schedule, such as having to commute daily. This ensures a higher productivity as they can get more work done, which may result in rewards and promotions. Saves employees money. Employees save on gas, clothes, food, parking and daycare. Can feel lonely and very repetitive for example if the employee only needs a phone and a desk to work – they will be in the same room every day with very little interaction. This can become demotivating. If the employee is unwell and not able to commute, they might still be able to work from home which ensures they will be paid and will have a lesser backlog of work to do. Employee does not benefit from as many fringe benefits such as subsidised food and drink – have to pay for this themselves. Can reduce the cost of living because the employee does not have to spend money in commuting to work, does not have to purchase lots of appropriate office clothing, and is able to live in cheaper out-of town housing, without this affecting their work. Can add to the employee’s personal costs; such as improving lighting, improving their telephone or internet connection, purchasing software. Improves employee satisfaction, 36% would choose teleworking over a pay rise and Two thirds of people want to work at home It’s not suitable for every one, Teleworkers must be self-directed and they must be comfortable with technology Location-independent job opportunities offer better employment options to rural workers.
AdvantagesDisadvantages Fewer employees will be late to work, due to travel difficulties such as tube strikes, therefore employees will be more productive. Increases productivity and performance by averagely 20%. There may be many distractions in the employee’s home, such as watching TV, doing household chores, when they should be working. Reduces productivity. Less time taken off due to illness – employees may not be well enough to come into work, but may still be well enough to work from home. Reduces the firm’s absenteeism rate. Less time taken off as maternity leave. Cannot monitor and control employee’s work effectively and cannot prove that they have been working the contracted hours/done all of the work set, or their whereabouts. May reduce the firm’s labour turnover because employees can work more flexibly to their own routine and therefore makes the firm an attractive place to work. Can result in poor communication throughout the business, especially as staff will not know other members of staff or managers well. This can be demotivating and may reduce productivity. Cuts down on wasted meetingsPoor communication with clients – little contact face-to-face, as work is mainly done over the phone. Increases employees empowermentStart up cost and operating costs, Telework policy, Guidelines and Training. IT infrastructure changes may be necessary, Companies need to address remote technical support issues and Teleworkers need access to company systems, software, and data Lowers overall costs for the firm; less office space and equipment needed, as well as other facilities such as a canteen. Saves employers money. Overheads will be reduce in costs
The bank, Lloyds TSB uses Tele-working, through the means like, mobiles, and video conferencing. This allows staff to carry out some of their work at a distance, even at home. British Gas have a Teleworking agreement for field engineers, representatives and managers. An example of what it include would be a statement that "regular health and safety checks will be undertaken by management and by accredited health and safety representatives ". The cooperative bank has a Teleworking contract agreed with the Banking and Finance Union. It includes an adjustment to tax arrangements to make allowance for "reasonable household expenses".
It is hard to say whether teleworking is good, or not – it depends on the nature of the business. For example, it works for some firms providing a face-to-face service with customers, such as Lloyds TSB and British Gas, or ones which can be sold over the phone regardless of location, such as the Cooperative Bank. But it may not be so successful for other firms, such as factory work (e.g. mass production, operating production lines), a chef/cook, dentist or doctor.
It is therefore entirely the choice of the business owner whether they allow employees to telework, but they must thoroughly weigh the negatives, against the positives for the business first. In conclusion, if teleworking is possible, it is good because it considerably lowers costs to the firm, congestion on roads and increases the firms productivity. However, it is not always attractive because the employer cannot monitor work, and can cost the employee a lot to set up in their home.