Programme of Work in Forestry under the Reviewed Strategic Framework (Item 9) Eva Muller, Director, FOA René Castro, Assistant Director-General
Overview Medium Term Plan (MTP) (reviewed) approved by Conference in June 2015 Global developments in 2015 will guide FAO’s future work New MTP will be formed during 2016 Approval of new MTP by Council and Conference in the first half of 2017
Help Eliminate hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition Make agriculture, forestry and fisheries more productive and sustainable Reduce rural poverty Enable inclusive and efficient agricultural and food systems Increase the resilience of livelihoods to threats and crises Cross cutting themes: Governance GenderClimate Change
Forestry’s achievements Strengthened the provision of key forestry information Promoted restoration of degraded lands Reduced rural poverty and improved food security Promoted sustainable value chains Combatted climate change (cross cutting) Curbed illegal logging and trade /governance Built resilience including in mountain areas Collaborated through the World Forestry Congress Strengthened gender mainstreaming (cross cutting)
Proposed Future Priorities for FAO’s Work in Forestry Sustainable Development Goals - Monitoring forest related indicators: FRA, Mountain Green Cover Index; CPF Climate Change (COP22) - Technical support provided to countries for NDCs; Move to REDD+ implementation; land use change pilot assessment; adaptation measures and restoration of drylands and degraded lands Food security and nutrition - Develop inclusive and harmonized policy frameworks; indicators and data collection methods to quantify forests’ contribution to food security and nutrition; supporting sustainable agriculture in mountain areas Assessment and monitoring of forest resources - Open Foris developed and refined including through Google partnership; FRA 2020 adapted for SDGs and Paris Agreement; indicators for wood fuel and non-wood forest products
Proposed Priorities for FAO’s Future Work in Forestry Youth Employment and Empowerment - A World Forestry Congress XIV priority; explore opportunities through the Advisory Panel on Forest Knowledge; develop products to support labour and workplace standards Forestry Value Chains and Reducing Poverty - Focus on rural areas and the contribution of forest products to the bioeconomy; promote SMEs and effective producer organizations, including through FFF; improvement of wood energy value chains, particularly in Africa Forest Governance - Strong focus on policy, legal and institutional frameworks including through FLEGT (and linked to REDD+ safeguards) Technical Excellence - Support to statutory bodies relating to forestry and COFO; SOFO 2018; CPF; XV World Forestry Congress preparations Gender (cross-cutting) - Mainstreaming gender in a greater number of forestry projects and programmes; focus on capacity building and strengthening networks
The Committee may wish to consider to: Take note and provide any comments on the developments and trends identified with respect to the forestry sector Provide guidance on the main priorities for FAO’s work in forestry to be considered in the Strategic Framework review and preparation of the Medium Term Plan
THANK YOU FAO’s forestry work: Getting the job done!