One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest Ken Kesey 1962 By BreOnna Bingham and Nawal Hussain
Setting – Takes place in the Oregon Pediatric Hospital for the Insane. – The story begins from when an inmate, McMurphy, is first admitted to the ward and ends after his death.
Main Characters 1. McMurphy went in believing that he could change the ward. However, in the end he gives up his freedom to make his friends happy. ( World Series watch, fishing trip, party ) 2. Chief is the narrator and the observer of the bunch. He pays close attention to everything. He also pretends to be deaf and dumb. McMurphy sooner than later helped Chief get over his fears and escape. 3. Nurse Ratched wanted and had all of the power. She was afraid that the patients would start to follow after McMurphy's exemple. She also felt that McMurphy would take her place in who respects her. 1. Randle McMurphy 2. Chief Bromden 3. Nurse Ratched
Plot Points: Randle gets admitted into the ward, where he feels everyone is weird and decides to change the place. Randle warms up and makes friends with everyone, allowing everyone to feel free and do what they want. Nurse Ratched sees tht McMurphy is a big influence on the others leading to most of them getting in trouble. Chief and McMurphy become closer and once McMurphy has a labotomy, Chief doesn't want him to suffer so he suffocates McMurphy and escapes.
Important Quotes – “I don't think you fully understand the public, my friend; in this country, when something is out of order, then the quickest way to get it fixed is the best way.” – “Man, when you lose your laugh you lose your footing.” – “You had a choice: you could either strain and look at things that appeared in front of you in the fog, painful as it might be, or you could relax and lose yourself”
Themes – Freedom: At times, one must sacrifice one's own freedom to benefit one's followers. Randle and his companions risked their freedom to have fun and be themselves. McMurphy gave up his freedom to help snap his friends out of the trans they've been put under by the ward. – Societal Neglect: The mental patients were dealt with unjustly at times, both society and the ward had neglected and mistreated them. McMurphy was not mentally ill. And the lobotomy was beyond unnecessary. ( let's not put much effort into trying to fix him ) – Friendship: Close relationships can change people. Randall was scamming the others out of their money at first. As time passes, he prioritized their happiness before his own.
Notable Aspects Humor/Laughter – The ward was insanely quiet before McMurphy arrived. After he got cozy with some other men, his natural humor made them laugh. Laughter painted the halls of the hospital. McMurphy taught his companions how to laugh and enjoy themselves again, when the harshness of the institution had beaten them down. First Person --> Chief – The whole story is told from his perspective. He's been in the ward a very long time--Chief just watched from the corner as many things unfolded. When the patients changed tune, thanks to McMurphy, Chief's change was meant to represent the positive attitude that Murphy influenced.