Viktor Ristevski
Borrowing – adoption of linguistic elements from another language Reasons for borrowing: -Lack of creativity -Lack of a suitable word for a new concept -To discuss about things ‘forbidden’ in one’s native language Types of borrowing: -Direct -Indirect
Lack of creativity Speakers prefer borrowing an already existing word to creating a new one out of scratch. e.g. clothes: anorak (Eskimo), kimono (Japanese), shawl (Persian); animals: chimpanzee (Angola), koala (Australia), panda (Nepal), zebra (Congo). Lack of suitable words for new concepts When a new concept is introduced, speakers tend to borrow the already existing word for that concept, instead of inventing a new word. e.g. area, abdomen (Latin); alchemy, alcohol (Arabic); Blitzkrieg, Gestapo (German); karma, mantra (Indian).
To discuss about something ‘forbidden’ in one’s native language People often use borrowings of Romance languages (French, Latin, Italian) to talk about something unpleasant. e.g. faeces, genitalia (Latin); gigolo, madame (French); bordello (Italian) etc.
-Direct borrowing – when a word is taken directly from another language. e.g. omlette, ballade (French); shawl (Persian); balcony, mafia, casino (Italian); -Indirect borrowing – when a word is taken indirectly from another language e.g. shah (Persian) -> eschec (Middle French) -> chess; qahwah (Arabic) -> kahveh (Turkish) -> coffie (Dutch) -> coffee
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