IKIT 2005 Toronto Usability Testing Virtual Margins
the context Knowledge building environment typically web based forum
the situation There are two dialogs: people with each other person with themself
people with others Conversation is public others can read and contribute to the discussion
person with themself Conversation is private not shared impermanent
the problem How does one remember one's private conversations? Memories are too short Paper is too cumbersome Forum interface is not designed for private conversations
a solution Forum interface element designed to support people's remembering Similar to paper margins thoughts maintain their context
Virtual Margin A private permanent space people can record their thoughts Retains its context
how might this work? Example 1:
how might this work? Example 1:
how might this work? Example 2:
how might this work? Example 2:
which one is more usable? In effect, does the position of the scroll bars matter?
test group Four grad students two men & two women Repurposed their Knowledge Forum postings Prototype web application chose one of the two presentations
result One box vs. Two boxes did not matter difference was not noticed
more results Comments Questions Requests Difficulties
comments It's a thinking pad This is a place to collect my thoughts
questions Trust: How long do the comments stay? How do comments move into the forum? Features: Why is input position always at the top? Can I look at all the comments in one spot?
requests Margin not indicator at the view level Summary view – notes “bubble up”
difficulties Cut and paste Forum content and margin content reflow independently
conclusion Adding a virtual margin opens up new ways for people to interact with their own ideas as well as those of other forum participants How would people really use this?
the problem