Introduction to Dante and The Divine Comedy Dante ( ) The greatest of Italian poets
Dante is such a great writer! Dante Alighieri is generally considered with Shakespeare and Goethe as one of the three universal masters in Western literature. Dante Alighieri is generally considered with Shakespeare and Goethe as one of the three universal masters in Western literature. His masterpiece, The Divine Comedy, is the most important Christian poem. His masterpiece, The Divine Comedy, is the most important Christian poem. Dante’s use of Italian language in place of Latin in the poem influenced the course of European literature throughout the ages. Dante’s use of Italian language in place of Latin in the poem influenced the course of European literature throughout the ages.
Some personal stuff that adds to his writing! Dante was born in Florence between May 15 and June 15, 1265, to a family of lesser nobility. Dante was born in Florence between May 15 and June 15, 1265, to a family of lesser nobility. The essential facts of his early life are told in his “The New Life”, written in about The essential facts of his early life are told in his “The New Life”, written in about He met the Beatrice of his later poems when he was 10. He met the Beatrice of his later poems when he was 10. –Although it was unlikely that they ever exchanged more than a few words, Dante’s love for her never died. –His marriage to Gemma di Manetto Donati had been arranged as early as 1277, and they had three sons and one daughter.
His education and uses for it! Dante’s education gave him a mastery of Latin learning of the day. Dante’s education gave him a mastery of Latin learning of the day. As a citizen of one of the chief city-republics he played a part in the violent political and military conflicts that engulfed Italy (see also Guelfs and Ghibellines). As a citizen of one of the chief city-republics he played a part in the violent political and military conflicts that engulfed Italy (see also Guelfs and Ghibellines). A leader of the White Guelfs, he rose to high office in Florence and was sent as an ambassador of the pope to Rome in A leader of the White Guelfs, he rose to high office in Florence and was sent as an ambassador of the pope to Rome in –The victory of the more extreme party in Florence, the Black Guelfs, resulted in the banishment of the leaders of the opposite party, the White Guelfs. –Dante was among those sent into exile in He lived in various places in Italy until at length he settled in Ravenna, where he died on Sept. 14, A small tomb in Ravenna holds the poet’s remains.
His immortal poem The Divine Comedy It was probably written during his exile, though the dates are uncertain. It was probably written during his exile, though the dates are uncertain. He titled it “Comedy”. The word “divine” was not added until sometime in the 16th century. He titled it “Comedy”. The word “divine” was not added until sometime in the 16th century. A descriptive narrative of an imaginary journey through hell, purgatory, and heaven, the poems begin on Good Friday of the year 1300 and end on the Sunday after Easter. A descriptive narrative of an imaginary journey through hell, purgatory, and heaven, the poems begin on Good Friday of the year 1300 and end on the Sunday after Easter.
More on The Divine Comedy The poet pictures himself journeying those ten days through all but the highest circles of heaven (God is there). The poet pictures himself journeying those ten days through all but the highest circles of heaven (God is there). The Roman poet Virgil serves as his guide in hell and purgatory, the “divine Beatrice” in heaven. The Roman poet Virgil serves as his guide in hell and purgatory, the “divine Beatrice” in heaven. The poem is crowded with hundreds of persons whom Dante meets along the way. Most are actual persons from the past and from the poet’s own time. The poem is crowded with hundreds of persons whom Dante meets along the way. Most are actual persons from the past and from the poet’s own time.
How The Divine Comedy is written. It was written in terza rima, consisting of stanzas of three lines rhyming aba, bcb, cdc, and so on. It was written in terza rima, consisting of stanzas of three lines rhyming aba, bcb, cdc, and so on. It’s a wealth of imagery and in the power of its language; the poem has never been surpassed. It’s a wealth of imagery and in the power of its language; the poem has never been surpassed.
The Divine Comedy basically? The Divine Comedy is the “supreme and culminating work of medieval thought.” The Divine Comedy is the “supreme and culminating work of medieval thought.” “The complex, symbolic poem is considered by many people to be the greatest poem ever written in any language.” “The complex, symbolic poem is considered by many people to be the greatest poem ever written in any language.” In three canticles, Dante tells of an imaginary journey which takes him through hell, purgatory, and heaven. In three canticles, Dante tells of an imaginary journey which takes him through hell, purgatory, and heaven. In the course of his journey, Dante gives expression to nearly every major intellectual conception achieved in the Middle Ages. In the course of his journey, Dante gives expression to nearly every major intellectual conception achieved in the Middle Ages.
The first canticle (section) The first canticle, Inferno, which tells of Dante’s trip through hell, is best known and most graphically dramatic of the three canticles. The first canticle, Inferno, which tells of Dante’s trip through hell, is best known and most graphically dramatic of the three canticles. finds Dante, symbolizing mankind, lost in the “dark wood” of worldliness and sin. In heaven his troubles are observed. finds Dante, symbolizing mankind, lost in the “dark wood” of worldliness and sin. In heaven his troubles are observed. Through the mediation of the Virgin Mary and of Dante’s dead love Beatrice, the spirit Virgil, symbolizing human reason, is to lead Dante on the journey through hell and purgatory. Through the mediation of the Virgin Mary and of Dante’s dead love Beatrice, the spirit Virgil, symbolizing human reason, is to lead Dante on the journey through hell and purgatory. Because human reason can take a man only so far, Virgil must let Beatrice, symbolizing divine revelation, lead Dante through heaven. Because human reason can take a man only so far, Virgil must let Beatrice, symbolizing divine revelation, lead Dante through heaven. What Dante learns of sin in viewing the hopeless agonies of hell, of renunciation in viewing the trials of purgatory, and of the joy in viewing the glories of heaven will turn him forever from error. What Dante learns of sin in viewing the hopeless agonies of hell, of renunciation in viewing the trials of purgatory, and of the joy in viewing the glories of heaven will turn him forever from error.
And so… Hell-Inferno-34 cantos Hell-Inferno-34 cantos Purgatory –Purgatorio-33 cantos Purgatory –Purgatorio-33 cantos Heaven-Paradiso-33 cantos Heaven-Paradiso-33 cantos Comedy: written in Italian not Latin: a drama or narrative with a happy ending or a non-tragic theme Comedy: written in Italian not Latin: a drama or narrative with a happy ending or a non-tragic theme Divine: Boccaccio added this word since the “Commedia” dealt with a sacred subject and with super- human excellence Divine: Boccaccio added this word since the “Commedia” dealt with a sacred subject and with super- human excellence Dante said he wrote the Commedia in the vulgar tongue, in which even women-folk hold their tongues. Dante said he wrote the Commedia in the vulgar tongue, in which even women-folk hold their tongues.
Handouts for The Divine Comedy The Way Out! The Way Out! Cantos 1-4 for Friday (questions in class to follow) Cantos 1-4 for Friday (questions in class to follow)