StratusLab is co-funded by the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (Capacities) Grant Agreement INFSO-RI Features, Use Cases, and Sustainability C. Loomis (CNRS/LAL) EGI Community Forum (Munich) 29 March 2012
2 Contents Features Architecture v2.0 Status of current v1.4 release Use Cases Cloud benefits People/groups taking advantage of them Sustainability Initial (personal) ideas regarding software Will depend on academic/commercial take up of services
3 StratusLab Project Goal Create comprehensive, open-source, IaaS cloud distribution Demonstrate stability and production quality by supporting grid services Information 1 June 2010—31 May 2012 (2 years) 6 partners from 5 countries Budget : 3.3 M€ (2.3 M€ EC) Contacts Site web: Support: CNRS (FR)UCM (ES) GRNET (GR)SIXSQ (CH) TID (ES)TCD (IE)
4 StratusLab Architecture (v2) D4.4: Reference Architecture
5 Cloud Benefits Customized Environment Your applications pre-installed and configured Operating systems suited to your application CPU, memory, swap suited to your needs Dynamic Provisioning New storage and compute resources in minutes (or faster!) Unused resources freed just as easily Ideally suited to variable workloads Flexible Service Deployment Deploy user-level, network-accessible services Create domain-specific analysis platforms
6 IBCP Web Services Biocompute: BLAST, ClustalW2, FastA,… Biodata: Access to databases like SwissProt, PROSITE, … Improvements to ease use and access by community (PAT, web portal, large machines, …) Institut Pasteur Paris Standalone ARIA appliance created Appliance and StratusLab cloud infrastructure validated with real data Next: PaaS scalable number of compute nodes Bioinformatics
7 Cloud Benefits Customized Environment Your applications pre-installed and configured Operating systems suited to your application CPU, memory, swap suited to your needs Dynamic Provisioning New storage and compute resources in minutes (or faster!) Unused resources freed just as easily Ideally suited to variable workloads Flexible Service Deployment Deploy user-level, network-accessible services Create domain-specific analysis platforms
8 NARVAL Data acquisition system: Nuclear physics institutes: IPNO, INFN, GSI, Ganil, … Understanding and adapting system requires configuring and using it How to train people without large dedicated infrastructure? Dynamic training platform: Students deployed their own NARVAL services within cloud Each could learn by making changes to their own deployment Software development Developers have since used cloud for debugging services Used similarly within StratusLab for our own build and test
9 Cloud Benefits Customized Environment Your applications pre-installed and configured Operating systems suited to your application CPU, memory, swap suited to your needs Dynamic Provisioning New storage and compute resources in minutes (or faster!) Unused resources freed just as easily Ideally suited to variable workloads Flexible Service Deployment Deploy user-level, network-accessible services Create domain-specific analysis platforms
10 Analysis Platforms High energy physics CernVM images run without modification on the StratusLab cloud Working with DIRAC developers to show that standard LHCb analysis framework can transparently use cloud resources Potentially a large benefit by simplifying the master/worker interactions Grid services Production grid site run by GRNET inside a StratusLab cloud Demonstrates capability of cloud services to support complex services and to support production uses
11 Commercial Interest N-tier proof-of-concept Shows typical web application using the deployment and autoscaling features of Claudia SlipStream Commercial software engineering PaaS for software systems Uses StratusLab (and AWS) for dynamic provisioning of computing resources DS-Cloud Ready Pack Turnkey solution for private cloud aimed at SMEs Based on StratusLab v1.4
12 Detailed sustainability plan is being developed now. The following ideas are my personal best guesses. Disclaimer
13 Sustainability Continued availability of code, documentation, … Migrate web site to GitHub pages, probably also JIRA contents Documents to be added to open repository like HAL Migrate individual repositories to GitHub (Apache2, AGPL) Build recipes and procedures Unavailable… Running of build tools and test resources Grid site over StratusLab reference cloud infrastructure StratusLab mailing lists, groups, etc. In between… Cloud infrastructures, depends on site politics, policies, etc.
14 Support for Individual Components Very likely to continue to evolve and have support… Marketplace OpenNebula Base OS appliances May evolve with support available… Persistent disk service Appliance repository Claudia Installation mechanisms (manual, Quattor) Limited support… Registration application Web monitor/dashboard
Copyright © , Members of the StratusLab collaboration: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Greek Research and Technology Network S.A., SixSq Sàrl, Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo SA, and The Provost Fellows and Scholars of the College of the Holy and Undivided Trinity of Queen Elizabeth Near Dublin. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License