Chuck Close (born Charles Thomas Close) July 5, 1940 American painter and photographer who achieved fame as a photorealist before a catastrophic blood clot left him severely paralyzed.
Chuck Close is one of the world's leading modern artists. His art focuses on portraits of himself and his family and friends, often produced at a very large scale. Close typically begins with a photograph of a face, creating a painting or print through a complex grid-based reconstruction of the image.
Lucas ( ), acrylic on canvas. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, New York. Detail at right of eye. The pencil grid and thin undercoat of blue is visible beneath the splotchy "pixels." The painting's subject is fellow artist Lucas Samaras. Mark ( ), acrylic on canvas. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, New York. Detail at right of eye. The painting took Close fourteen months to complete and was constructed airbrushed layers that imitated CMYK color printing. Compare the picture's close up with Lucas, executed through a different technique.
On your celebrity portrait, grid it off every 1/2 inch in pencil On a 12 x 18 in final project sheet, grid it off ever 1 inch in pencil. Create the same number of grid boxes. In each grid box, match the value from your photo using an array of patterns and alternative value techniques, no two touch boxes can have the same treatment. Use a pen or fine tipped Sharpie.