Transitions From Industry to Academia (and vice-versa) David M. Pollock, Ph.D. Medical College of Georgia formerly of Abbott Laboratories
Outline Highlight differences between Academia and Industry Positioning yourself for a transition
Contrasting Academia vs. Industry
Independence A:academic freedom is a big advantage, however, must do what will get funded I:very little in overall research plan; many, many bosses; budget is large, but usually competitive; may have to work outside expertise
Salary A:comfortable but far less than MD, DDS, or lawyer; large increases require move into administrative positions I:not a big difference at the start; tremendous potential for growth; signing bonuses, relocation costs; special skills can demand much more
Other Benefits A:often affiliated with a teaching hospital; TIAA-CREF; more flexibility with your time; more vacation time; I:not a big difference with 401(k); health plans cut-back in recent years; expected 8am-5pm working hours
Stress A:funding level dependent; self-imposed I:corporate reorganization, deadlines, productivity; threat of layoffs due to mergers, downsizing, and re-organization
Politics A:highly variable; funding can alleviate many difficulties; hidden in peer review system I:pervasive, daily internal competition; organization can stifle progress in large corporations
Opportunities for Advancement A:assistant, associate, full professor, administration, non-tenure track I:many more options: research, management, clinical administration, scientific advisor, writing, legal, sales & marketing
Teamwork A:can be limited and highly variable; structure does not assure teamwork I:very big advantage; research teams offer more diversity; much more interdisciplinary work; productivity is enhanced
Laboratory Environment A:variable, usually older labs; variable core facilities I:typically new; state-of-the-art equipment; new technology comes to industry first
Need for Communication Skills A:teaching, grant writing, manuscripts, abstracts, seminars, posters and talks at meetings, journal club presentations, committees I:all of the above, but sometimes in a different format or venue (team meetings, strategy sessions, retreats…)
Other Positives About Academia Opportunities for mentoring students and fellows More relaxed, open culture
Other Positives About Industry Private industry spends much more on research than government 80% of research dollars are spent on advancing knowledge, while 20% is spent on improving existing medicines Virtually all new drug discoveries come from private industry
Contrasting Big Pharma vs. Academia Many people cannot thrive in both People on both sides have the “grass is greener” syndrome There is no definite advantage of one versus the other Academic snobbery vs. industry whining
Common Misconceptions “they only did it for the money” “they couldn’t find a job in academia” “they don’t understand the drug discovery process” “they are too academic” “he publishes a lot because he’s in industry” “he cannot publish because he’s in industry”
Regardless of Where You Are Going, You Must Have…. Strong CV Publications Fellowships and grants Participation at national meetings Networking –intramural and extramural –small world, you never know who knows who
Getting an Interview Always be working on your CV –Don’t leave anything out, but don’t pad Talk with people and let them know you are looking for a job Choose your recommendations wisely Write a strong(not long) letter of application Write a strong Research Plan and/or Teaching Philosophy
Give Your Best Seminar Prepare! Rehearse! Relax. Be confident, but not cocky Know your audience It’s far better to tell a logical story than to try and impress with volumes of data Stay within the allotted time, better to be short than long
Communicate That You Want the Job Don’t leave them guessing about your enthusiasm, but don’t be desperate Better to decline an offer than not get one Do some homework about the position and the company, school, or department Follow-up letter after the interview
What It Takes to Get a Job in Industry Must be a team player Unique and broad-based skills Major demand for whole animal skills Postdoctoral experience Reputation of your mentor/previous experience Must have a sense of applied science Cannot be an introvert or loner
What It Takes to Move From Industry to Academia Consistent publication record Participation at national meetings Participation in society activities Maintain academic contacts/appointment Personal reputation/name recognition Clearly defined research plan Big Problem: No record of grant funding
Bottom Line What do you want to do with your career? Be honest with yourself about your career goals, interests, and abilities. One career does not fit everyone.... ….find your niche