KNOW YOUR HOUSING STYLES Victorian, Saltbox and Modern Click anywhere to continue!
HOUSING STYLES Victorian, Saltbox and Modern Select to go to the menu page. Select to go to the next page. Select to go the previous page. Select to return to the previous page visited. Select to view section instructions. To view standards covered and lesson objectives clickhere.
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Menu Click on the following housing styles to learn more about that style. OR Click “Test Me!” to take the quiz. Remember, information from all the styles will be on the test. 1. Victorian 2. Saltbox 3. Modern Test Me!
Victorian: Overview ■Victorian style houses are usually very creative in design and very specialized to the needs/wants of the designer. Therefore few look the same. ■This style was extremely popular from 1830 to Victorian houses are still being built today but in much smaller numbers. This house is located on 9 th Street in Lafayette, IN.
Victorian: Instructions ■To view descriptions of the features click on the red shapes.
Victorian: Main Features 1.Turrets, or towers, are one of the most distinguishing aspects of Victorian houses. They help to take away the box shape of the house. 2.Large Porches were added to this style because in the time frame this style was popular there was no air conditioning. The covered porch provided an outdoor gathering space where the residence could catch a cool breeze in the summer. 2 1
Victorian: Main Features Continued 3. Decorative trim work such as barge boards. A board that hangs from the edge of a gabled roof, often with designs carved into it. 4. Roof Decorations- Usually placed on roof peaks as shown in the example to the right. 4 3
Saltbox: Overview ■This style is known for its practical design both inside and out. As the original saltbox houses were a traditional two (2) story house with a shed attached to the back. ■This style was most popular from 1650 to ■Click on parts of the picture to get a description of the features. (There are 3 features total) This is a drawing of the house where John Adams (the second president of the United States) grew up.
Saltbox: Roof ■Steep pitched roof allows the roof to remain clear of all rain, snow and objects. ■The roof reaches the first floor in the back of the house and the second floor in the front of the house. ■The roof is the most distinguishing characteristic of the Saltbox style house.
Saltbox: Windows ■There are usually very few windows ■Traditionally have very small. ■This was a very common trend in the 1600’s.
Saltbox: Chimney ■Very large chimney ■Centrally located within the house. ■When this style first appeared fire was the main source of heat.
Modern: Overview ■Modern style houses are known for their low horizontal roofline. ■This style was first seen in the early 1900’s. It was considered new and radically different. This house belongs to actor Eddie Murphy This house belonged to Leonardo DiCaprio
Modern: Instructions ■On the next slide there is a matching section with a column of three (3) features in word form and a column of three (3) features in picture form. Make a mental note of what matches. Then click to check yourself.
Modern: Matching Open Floor Plan Bold Roof Line Big Windows
Modern: Matching Open Floor Plan Bold Roof Line Big Windows Click on the pictures above to learn more about that feature.
Modern: Bold Roof Line ■Low roof ■Mostly flat or nearly flat ■Large overhang allowing for shade in the summer.
Modern: Large Windows ■Often floor to ceiling ■Allows for more use of natural light ■Allows for natural heating in winter
Modern: Open Floor Plan ■Allows the natural light to be used over larger spaces. ■Helps establish the openness that is associated with this style.
Test Me! Instructions: READ FIRST ■There is information on this test from all of the different housing styles reviewed in this PowerPoint. ■Once started, this test cannot be stopped until finished. ■There will be two (2) types of questions: essay and multiple choice. Have a piece of paper and a pen/pencil to write down information when prompted. ■For multiple choice questions, click on the answer. ■For essay questions, write your answer on a separate sheet of paper. ■Click to move to the next question.
Note ■You must write down the information given to you correctly. If the information is incorrectly written you will receive no points for that question.
Question 1 Please answer this question on a separate piece of paper. ■Why do modern style houses have large windows?
Question 1: Self Check ■Did you mention –Natural lighting? OR –Natural heating? ■If so great job!!! ■If not please change or add to your response before moving to the next question,
Question 2 ■Which housing style is known for having small windows? a. Saltbox b. Modern c. Victorian d. None
Correct! ■Please write down “Q2 Correct”
Incorrect ■That is incorrect. The correct answer is “a. Saltbox” ■Please write down “2Q Wrong”
Question 3 ■Which of the following are found on a Victorian style house? 1.Large Chimney 2.Bay Windows a. 1 only b. 2 only c. 1 and 2 d. None of them
Incorrect ■That is incorrect. The correct answer is “b. 2 only” ■Please write down “Next Time”
Correct! ■That is correct. Please write down “I got this”
Question 4 ■What style is this house? a. Victorian b. Saltbox c. Modern d. We did not review this style
Correct! ■That is correct. Please write down “Check it out”
Incorrect ■That was incorrect. The correct answer is “c. Modern” ■Please write down “Not This Time”
Question 5 (Last Question!!!) ■What is the most defining characteristic of a saltbox style house? a. Chimney b. Big Windows c. Decorative Wooden Panels d. Roof
Correct! ■That is correct. Please write down “Nice Job”
Incorrect ■That is incorrect. The correct answer is “d. Roof” ■Please write down “That is OK”
Congratulations! ■You have finished! Please put your name on your paper and turn it in before the end of class.
Test Instructions ■Write down information when prompted. ■For multiple choice questions, click on the answer. ■For essay questions, type your answer into the text box provided. ■Click to move to the next question. ■Click to return to the page you were on.
Standards, Objectives and Learners ■Standards –CEA Identify and describe the different architectural styles ■Objectives – Students will be able to identify the features of three housing styles (Victorian, Saltbox and Modern.) –Students will be able to identify a housing style (Victorian, Saltbox and Modern) when given a description or picture of the styles features. ■Learners –Those intended to partake in this lesion are high school students living in the greater Lafayette area taking a Civil Engineering And Architecture elective class through Project Lead The Way. (Some of the pictures within the lesson are of homes in the greater Lafayette area. These pictures could be changed in order to emphasize how common it is for one area to have multiple housing style.)