Australian Aboriginals By Jacob and Raneem
Aboriginal shelter Aboriginal Australian lived in humpies. Humpies are tents made out of sticks. Humpies are mostly made of branches, paper bark and lots of other natural things. Aboriginal Australians also lived in caves. Aboriginal Australian Shelter
Aboriginal Australian Food Aboriginal Australians eat witchetty grubs. Witchetty grubs are like worms but bigger. Aboriginal Australians also ate snakes, fruits from the bush and sea animals. Aboriginal Australian eat fish from the lake.
Aboriginal Australian Music. Aboriginal Australians played music using didgeridoos, bongos and sticks. A didgeridoo is made from paper bark and carvings.
Aboriginal Australian Art Aboriginal Australians did art mostly with there hands and fingers. Aboriginal Australians used animal fats, berries and flowers. Aboriginal Australians used things that they could get from the land.
Aboriginal Clothes Traditional Aboriginal clothes were made out of animal skin and leaves. Aboriginal clothes cover most of there bodies.
The End Thankyou for listening.