WHAT TYPE OF POS DO YOU HAVE? Agricultural Mechanics Agriscience Ornamental Horticulture
CAREER PATHWAYS Promote the connection between education and workforce Offer a seamless transition from high school to career or occupation preparation Focus on high skill and high wage careers Provide a plan for attainment of a technical skill proficiency, and a degree/credential
CP GUIDING PRINCIPLES Prepare for post-secondary education and careers Connect academics to real-world applications Lead to full range of post-secondary opportunities Improve student achievement
AGRICULTURE CAREER CLUSTER 15(16) Career Clusters Career Pathways Programs of Study Individualized Learning Plans Agriculture Agricultural Mechanics Agriscience Ornamental Horticulture CTSO, Mentoring, Internships - WBL, Job Shadowing, Certifications All Grades (6-14)
TEN COMPONENTS OF PATHWAYS Teaching and Learning School Counseling and Academic Advising College and Career Readiness Technical Skill Attainment Course Sequences Articulation Agreements Professional Development Accountability and Evaluation Systems Partnerships Policies and Procedures
IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Laying the Groundwork Assembling a Team Designing and Building a POS Implementing a POS Evaluating and Refining the POS We will do a self assessment for each area.
LAYING THE GROUNDWORK Researching the best practices and collecting data about model programs of study based on local labor market information
ASSEMBLING A TEAM Gathering a representative group of stakeholders who will work together to guide the creation of a Program of Study %20Manual.pdf
DESIGNING AND BUILDING A POS After selecting a specific pathway, team members analyze curriculum and determine development and improvement needs. The outcome of this phase is a detailed plan for the implementation of a Program of Study %20Manual.pdf %20Manual.pdf
IMPLEMENTING A POS The detailed Program of Study is put into place and students enroll in the program and continue on to post-secondary education uide uide
EVALUATING AND REFINING THE POS An evaluation plan is created that defines what data elements are needed, how they will be collected, what benchmarks for success are, and who is responsible for providing the improvements in the Program of Study.
A POS TEMPLATE INCLUDES Start before 9-12 FFA Academics, Fine arts WBL Job Shadowing Mentorships SAEs Post Secondary Links Career Goals Community Service Athletics/ clubs and other organizations
ADMINISTRATOR, TEACHER, COUNSELOR STANDARDS FOR CTE SUPPORT School Counseling, and Academic Advising; Teaching and Learning and Professional Development The result is an Individual Learning Plan (ILP) pdf pdf
EVALUATING THE POS Goals Planning- clarifies and assesses the POS plans Implementation- are we on task? Progress- assesses design to implementation through benchmarks Monitoring- impartial evaluators Shared with partners and provided to stakeholders
THE 10 C’S
THE 10 C’S- 1. COLLEGE AND CAREER READINESS Develop and continually validate C&C Readiness Standards with all partners Create coherent, non-duplicative sequences of coursework Incorporate essential knowledge and skills and provide the same rigorous knowledge of such skills which students must master (common core) Incorporate industry recognized technical standards p33
THE 10 C’S- 2. PARTNERSHIPS Internal and External partners Write down your purpose/mission/ goals Write down the roles and responsibilities of partners Analyze economic and workforce trends, Link to local, regional and state initiatives that promote Identify, validate and update employability, technical and work- readiness skills Create an Advisory Committee P36
THE 10 C’S- 3. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PD must allow for team approach to research, implementation and revision Should include ALL Partners- Agriculture Teachers, district CTE coordinator, core academic teachers, counselors, business and industry reps, post-secondary partners and legislators Develop integrated academic and Agriculture curriculum Provide specialized training for staff Offer PD credit or college credit for training
THE 10 C’S- 4. TEACHING AND LEARNING Focus on rigor and relevance for all students Vary Instructional strategies, include contextual approaches with multiple assessments Immerse students in school and community partnerships Infuse technology as a part of the content Incorporate team-building, critical thinking & communication skills FFA and CTSOs Attract, prepare and support all students and ensure access for all Career Assessments
THE 10 C’S- 5. ACCOUNTABILITY AND EVALUATION Identify and use a system which meets the needs of state and federal regulation and provide timely evaluation information to stakeholders Agriculture Incentive, Perkins, CRAECP, CTE Incentive Examine Data to support growth and assessment Collect data to support Pathway/ POS implementation
THE 10 C’S- 6. COURSE SEQUENCES Includes required and recommended core content courses Includes introductory Pathway courses Includes Career/Occupational-specific courses for Pathway Link to Post-secondary courses Focus on “lowering remediation” Emphasize acceleration
THE 10 C’S- 7. ARTICULATION AGREEMENTS Provide a systematic, seamless process for students to earn college credit for courses taken in high school Note college credit earned on transcripts Describe expectations and requirements with articulation agreements
THE 10 C’S- 8. SCHOOL COUNSELING AND ACADEMIC ADVISING Use Advising standards for secondary and Post Secondary Ensure up-to-date information about Pathway offerings Provide tools to learn about post secondary & career options Offer student resources to learn aptitudes and career interests Provide information and resources to parents Offer web-based resources and tools, FAFSA Career and Skill Assessments
THE 10 C’S- 9. TECHNICAL SKILLS ATTAINMENT Technical Skill Attainment- Industry Certifications (iCEV) Academic Skill Attainment- GPA, SAT’s, ACT’s other Employability Skill Attainment- 20 th Century Skills Secondary level – Career/ College Preparedness Post Secondary – Occupational Preparedness
THE 10 C’S- 10. POLICIES AND PROCEDURES P&P and timelines to implement courses/ pathways/ curriculum review. The process for credit Funding source guidelines and materials Calendar your events Make sure your partners are aware of P&P Provide for sufficient funding Formal needs assessment, design, implementation and continuous improvement of CPs Access for all students An Individual Learning Plan (POS) for each student Sustainability plan
THE 10 C’S- 10. POLICIES AND PROCEDURES (B) Find district “mission and vision” statement Determine process for marketing Pathways, programs and courses Understand career development policies and practices- ROP, Work Experience Understand Work-Based Learning, internships, mentoring and job shadowing Know Career-Tech policies
TYPICAL ACADEMIC CALENDAR Aug/Sept - Prepare your team, POS and begin research Oct/Nov - Present to Admin/ School Board/ Curriculum Review Committee/ Dec/Jan - Present to students; Post secondary and Community Jan/ Feb - Recruit Students Mar/Apr - Master Scheduling/ New teachers/ School Board May/ June - Data Collection/ Revision July/August - Externships/ Internships and PD for all staff
RESOURCES _print_version.pdf 2_print_version.pdf test.php test.php Exploration.pdf Exploration.pdf
APPENDICES Rubrics POS Templates Brochure
The End