Modeled Exposure Assessment via Inhalation and Dermal Pathways to Airborne Semivolatile Organic Compounds (SVOCs) in Residences Shanshan Shi and Bin Zhao. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2014, 48, 5691−5699 hEX-Tox Lab. Paper reading HyeYoung Choi
Author information hEX-Tox paper reading2
Introduction hEX-Tox paper reading3 SVOCs? omnipresent organic compounds DEHP (generated indoor sources), PAHs (indoor & outdoor) Use : plasticizers, fire retardants, and the main ingredients of pesticides Source : anthropogenic activities (ex. combustion activities)
Introduction hEX-Tox paper reading4 Goal An integrated framework was established by combining a kinetic partition model for SVOCs phase-specific concentrations estimation and an exposure assessment model.
Introduction hEX-Tox paper reading5 How to know about exposure to SVOCs? Personal monitoring, biomarkers Modeling
Introduction hEX-Tox paper reading6 Ref) Jian Yan et al. (Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, 557, ) 16 PAHs from the US EPA priority pollutant list Phe Pyr BaP BghiP
Materials and Methods hEX-Tox paper reading7 1.Indoor SVOCs Concentrations Modeling
Materials and Methods hEX-Tox paper reading8 1.Indoor SVOCs Concentrations Modeling
Materials and Methods hEX-Tox paper reading9 2.Exposure Assessment Modeling “reference people”
Materials and Methods hEX-Tox paper reading10 2.Exposure Assessment Modeling modeled indoor SVOCs phases specific concentrations exposure factors exposure of “reference people” to airborne SVOCs via different pathways
Materials and Methods hEX-Tox paper reading11 2.Exposure Assessment Modeling
Materials and Methods hEX-Tox paper reading12 3.Input Parameters and Scenarios PAHs were considered to combine only with PM 2.5. the atmospheric daily particle-phase PAHs concentrations were assumed to be proportional to the corresponding atmospheric daily PM 2.5 concentrations.
Results and Discussion hEX-Tox paper reading13 1.Indoor SVOCs Phase-specific Concentrations 2 yr (730 day) Eq 4-7 Black line : Gas-phase Blue line : Particle-phase
Results and Discussion hEX-Tox paper reading14 1.Indoor SVOCs Phase-specific Concentrations Ref16 : Hangzhou; nonsmoking families Ref27 : Xuanwei and Fuyuan Ref29 : Sapporo(Jap) DEHP airbone Range :
Results and Discussion hEX-Tox paper reading15 2.Exposure Assessment for SVOCs Indoor gas-phase Phe Conc. : 81.8 mg/m 3 Indoor ED : hr/day kg IR : 12.7 m 3 /day Indoor inhalation exposure gas- phase Conc. : 14.1 ng/kg/day Outdoor inhalation exposure gas- phase Conc. : 2.26 ng/kg/day Eq 8
Results and Discussion hEX-Tox paper reading16 2.Exposure Assessment for SVOCs
Results and Discussion hEX-Tox paper reading17 2.Exposure Assessment for SVOCs
Results and Discussion hEX-Tox paper reading18 3.The Barrier Effect of Clothing Barrier ?Or not ?
Results and Discussion hEX-Tox paper reading19 4.Implications for Further Work
hEX-Tox paper reading20 Thank you!
Appendix_A hEX-Tox paper reading21 Study chemicals among 16 PAHs from the US EPA priority pollutant list 화합물색상 융점 ( ℃ ) 비점 ( ℃ ) 증기압 (Pa, 25 ℃ ) 밀도 옥탄올 - 물분배 계수 (Log K ow ) 수용해도 ( ㎍ /ℓ, 25 ℃ ) Phenanthrene 무색 × ×10 3 Pyrene 무색 × Benzo(a)pyrene 황색 × Benzo(ghi)perylene 엷은황녹색 × PhePyrBaPBghiP
Appendix_B hEX-Tox paper reading22 1.Indoor SVOCs Phase-specific Concentrations PhePyrBaPBghiP the mass fraction of particle-phase within the total airborne concentration the average mass fraction of particle-phase