Communism What is it? propertiesexamples As you watch the video, fill in information for each bubble.
BACKGROUND American presidents from Truman to George Bush (1946 to around 1990) believed that a ruthless Soviet Union was directing a worldwide communist conspiracy against peace, free- market, capitalism, and political democracy. Soviet leaders thought the United States sought nothing less than world domination. This contest between the United States and the Soviet Union acquired the name Cold War.
BACKGROUND Read the background section on your handout and answer the predict question.
A CLASH OF BELIEFS Economic growth was the key to world peace. Economic growth should be promoted by increasing world trade. Democratic governments that protected people’s rights made countries more stable. The free enterprise system was the best route to prosperity. Communism was a superior system. Communism would eventually replace capitalism. Communism should be encourage in other nations. Capitalist countries would try to destroy communism and should be approached with suspicion.
U.S.A feared the Soviets wanted to destroy democratic and capitalist institutions. The Soviets feared the United States wanted to use its money and power to dominate Europe and the Soviet system. Neither trusted each other during or after the war. Paranoia + Mistrust + weapons with the capability to destroy the human race = The Cold War
THE COLD WAR: Political rivalry and military tension between the U.S.A and the USSR that stopped short of open war. Involved propaganda, threats, an arms race and attempts to gain support from other countries. Lasted from after WWII (really before it ended) until around 1990.
1.DECOLONIZATION European imperial powers were setting their colonies free. The United States and the Soviet Union competed with each other in the new “Third World” to gain allies. Both wanted military bases, resources, and new markets in which to sell goods.
2.US ECONOMIC AND STRATEGIC NEEDS The U.S. was the largest supplier of goods in the world. –US needed to continue to find new markets and new sources of raw materials in order to remain that way The “air age” made overseas bases very important –Both the U.S. and the Soviet Union were competing for defensive positions
3.TRUMAN’S “GET TOUGH” STYLE Truman had a personality ill suited for diplomacy. –He was brash, impatient, and direct. Truman constantly exaggerated, as when he declared that he had “knocked the socks off the communists” in Korea. After he met with Soviet officials he bragged that “I gave it to him straight ‘one-two to the jaw.” (the official had stormed out refusing to talk to Truman)
4.DOLLAR DIPLOMACY The use of loans to gain political influence. Under the Marshall Plan, the U.S. gave $12.4 billion to Western Europe. Read about the Marshall Plan in the Classroom Docs and answer the questions on your handout.
5.ATOMIC DIPLOMACY Maintaining a nuclear monopoly to scare the Soviets into diplomatic concessions. This led to suspicion, distrust, and an expensive and frightening nuclear arms race.
6.THE TRUMAN DOCTRINE U.S. policy to stop the spread of communism (containment) worldwide. Read about the Truman Doctrine in the Classroom Docs and answer the questions on your handout. “I believe that it must be the policy of the United States to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures.” Truman