Using All That Data We’ve Collected 2013 NACTEI CONFERENCE
Sarah Galliher KDE Office of Career and Technical Education 2020 Capital Plaza Tower 500 Mero Street Frankfort, KY (502) Presenter contact information is in the back of the Conference program.
In today’s world, data is essential to every aspect of our lives. CTE data uses may include: Perkins: Accountability Measures Consolidated Annual Report (CAR) Plans for Improvement Program assessment Program planning College and career readiness Financial decisions Budget and legislative decisions by federal and state governments
Perkins accountability measures require data to calculate whether the state/LEA met their established goal for each measure. Kentucky has a web-based statewide reporting system (TEDS) that collects CTE data for all secondary and postsecondary CTE programs in the state. Like most states, Kentucky’s reports may be run for student enrollment, completion, placement/transition, industry certifications earned, various assessments taken/passed and for verification of data entry.
TEDS has pre-programmed reports that calculate performance and whether the resulting percentage met the goal. This report can be run by any LEA at any time. It is also used for information included in the CAR. The following screenshots are examples of these reports.
The data included in the examples was taken from our testing database and is not indicative of the performance of CTE programs in Kentucky. It was edited as needed to reflect the particular scenario that was being tested.
Steps Used to Combine Reports Run each report in Excel format or as.csv file Copy first report to new Excel document and save. Copy data from second report. (Keep list of names with each group of data.) Paste data from second report into new document beside data from first report. Insert or delete cells into Excel document to ensure that the data on each line is for the same school or entity. Review the data on the new Excel report to be sure the data lines up correctly. Repeat these steps to add data from a third report etc. until the report is completed.
Both reports have been run in Excel format. The data from the second report was copied beside the data from the first report. The program data does not align correctly.
Cells were inserted to lower the left 2 columns to align the program data.
The program data now aligns across the Total CTE and 12 th Grd columns. The 2 nd column containing the Program Names was removed to make the report more easily read.
A 3 rd data column was added. The same steps of inserting or deleting cells would be followed to ensure that the data aligns for each program.
Resulting report with 3 types of data side by side
To Create Pivot Chart: Create Excel worksheet with the data to be compared in adjoining columns Highlight the columns (including column headers) to be included in the chart Click the Insert tab in the ribbon at the top of the page Click Pivot Table, then click Pivot Chart Drag and drop the field that will be the range of the data (number of students in each category) into the box labeled ‘Axis Fields’ (‘Program’ in the example) Drag and drop the fields that to be summarized in the chart into the ‘∑ Values’ box (Greek Epsilon )symbol As each value is added to the values box, the sample chart will update. You may see what your chart will be like and change it as needed. Copy the lines containing the original cells and the chart to another page because Excel doesn’t let you edit the original Pivot Chart Add any explanatory information Print preview or print the report
Prepare a chart that has only the data to be included in the Pivot Chart placed in adjoining cells.
Drag and drop the name of the field to be the X Axis Drag and drop the names of the fields to be the columns in the chart
Select the chart values (excluding the column headers) through the Pivot Chart
Report with the chart values and the resulting Pivot Chart
All presentations from the 2013 NACTEI Conference will be posted on the NACTEI website: as soon as possible after the conference. You may download PowerPoints and back-up documentation for use in your State or Region. A list of the presenters is included in your Conference Program.
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