Editor: Kabdylmazhit Iliyas 8D EDUCATION IN ANCIENT CHINA
EDUCATION IN ANCIENT CHINA- MAIN INFORMATION [1] Education in ancient China was from Confucius. Confucius was always saying that to be educated is a pleasure. After Confucius words, was built schools by nobles. Creating of education led to smart and good officials in ancient China. After education appeared, it was connected with government and changed some laws or added. [2] Education in ancient China was simple, and was spreading orally from older to younger human. This times emerged aiming in knowledge that was called Chengjun. [3] Confucius was spreading the education over all China and it was very popular, that’s why almost all people followed his advises. [3]
EDUCATION IN HAN DYNASTY [1] In the period of leading Wudi, people used simple education system that was called 'taixue‘. In this system, people couldn’t know someone’s ability of knowledge. Only officials could know who is intellegent. Confucius gave his life for spreading the education, that is why children in Wudi’s leading was reading simple books that was written by Confucius. [2] In the period of Wudi, was built colleges and was took teachers for teaching to the children. Actually this teachers was well educated humans or officials. Education was divided in official’s education and private school education. This educations was exchanged with their knowledge. Officials education was created by Wen Ong, school education was created by Confucius. [1]
EDUCATION IN SUI & TANG DYNASTIES [1] After Han dynasty, education was developed and was opened new system of education. One thing is that was created examinations. For example, art had exams too. In this exams, was tested humans knowing of laws, human’s writing, painting, knowing of laws, etc. With new system of education, people from poor families had opportunity for being official and with this action take honor for their families. [1]
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