How to reduce extra line spaces in xsl forms Yoel Kortick
2 Introduction Some times when printing letters there appear to be extra line spaces in the text of the sub library address as well as between parts of the letter. This might also occur in other places. If one were to compare this to Microsoft Word, it may appear as if 1.5 or double line spacing were being used.
3 The sub library address For example, here is the sub library address in the “out of the box” setup for acq-m-order-slip.xsl Extra Line spaces here
4 The sub library address The sub library address comes from this section in acq-m- order-slip.xsl This, we should go and look at (and change) the template funcs-address.xsl
5 funcs-address.xsl Here we add the red text
6 The new appearance of the address Here is how the address appears now
7 The change Before: After:
8 Other line breaks There are other line breaks which the library may wish to remove Here for example between “we would like…” and the bibliographic information there is a lot of space
9 The letter as seen in HTML code Here is the HMTL code of the letter After print preview user did right click > view source The “gap” of extra line space appears where one table ends and a new one begins. There is a problem of a new line before the table and line spacing in the table Dear Sir/Madam, We would like to place an order for the following items: Kortick, Yoel Introduction to basic xml.
10 Solution part 1 We will reduce the amount of space used in the new table. In file funcs-table.xsl we will add this: font-family=arial; font- size=9pt center 0
11 Solution part 2 Now we have this change Before: After:
12 Solution part 2 Now we will remove the line break between the two tables In funcs-misc.xsl we will remove the line break “br” -->
13 Solution part 2 Now we have this change. Even more space has been removed between “We would like …” and the bibliographic information. Before: After:
14 The final new letter
Thank You! Yoel Kortick