Jim Morris-Knower Mann Library, Cornell BECOMING MORE PRODUCTIVE: A Recipe for Helping Graduate Students Share Their Workflow Strategies with Peers Tips for the Cook Ingredients Think about recruiting four grads as insurance against drop outs In the survey, ask about interest in presenting at the workshop next year. Best time for grads is late afternoon Make it informal—don’t require Powerpoint. Have presenters show up ½ hour before session to ensure they can connect their laptops Offer coffee cards or other small thank yous. Use library liaisons to help recruit participants. Cornell’s Libguide: guides.library.cornell.edu/workflow 3-4 graduate student presenters in a subject area (life & ag sciences, e.g.) & their productivity tips and apps 1 each of recruitment and marketing materials 1 organizing committee 1 source of funding (or more if desired) 1 room in library 1 Libguide 1 online registration (optional) + large scoop of marketing 1 survey for assessment 1-2 campus partners (graduate school, e.g.) Mann Library hosts annual peer-led productivity workshops for graduate students in the social and life sciences 1. Convene organizing committee (we came out of a library citation management group) and pick a date and time, then reserve a room. 2. Find library funding for refreshments and thank you gifts (about $200 or less) 3.At least 3 months before: Find graduate student presenters using shotgun approach of graduate students you know, graduate school list, departmental liaisons, etc. 4.Reach out to the Graduate School to see about co-sponsorship. Help with marketing and refreshments. 5.Set up registration if you want folks to register ahead of time. 6.At least 4 weeks before, publicize event to grads using grad school, university events calendar, listservs, in-building signage, etc. 7.At the event, have one library staff member moderate, and another take notes. Attendees should sign in with . 8.Consider an ice-breaker/active learning activity at beginning. “What are your three biggest productivity challenges?” 9.After event, administer survey and create Libguide with notes with apps and other productivity methods. Well attended: participation in each session was about people. _________________________________________________________________________________________ Well liked: 100% of participants surveyed agreed that the session would improve their work as grad students. _________________________________________________________________________________________ Easy to repeat: Once you get your formula down, you can repeat as is indefinitely, as participation will change year to year. We even had a few presenters work both years. _________________________________________________________________________________________ Low cost: refreshments and thank yous are only real costs. Could easily be done for less than $100. _________________________________________________________________________________________ “It was really great!! I'm glad there were a diverse range of presenters and styles of organization.” Comment from 2016 participant. About 90 minutes of presentations & discussion One workshop Leaves you satisfied, but hungry for more