What is Graphene? Material that has the potential to vary the method of how electronic components are made and further improve computing performance. Could raise internet speeds and prolong the lives of computers. Graphene comes from graphite, which is a mineral that normally occurs in metamorphic rocks that took shape as a result of the reduction of sedimentary carbon compounds during metamorphism.
Structure of Graphene The electronic structure of elemental absorption on graphene is influenced by side of adsorption which is single or double sided as well as the site of adsorption which includes bridge, hollow or top. This also includes the relative orientation of the adsorped sites; zigzag or armchair. Graphene nanomesh (GNM) is the latest graphene nano-structure [8] formed which is to generate GNM field-effect transistor (FET) that can support 100 times greater currents along the comparable current on/off ratio with individual DNM devices. Stone-Wales defects, mono-vacancy and di-vacancy pressure the electronic band structures when semiconducting materials have zero gap.
Properties of Graphene For electronic properties, it has a band gap of zero. individual electrons that move on the surface of graphene are massless. For chemical properties,a notable feature of graphene also owing to its unique 2-D structure. It is only one atom thick, light passes through it easily, giving it a high transparency for optical properties.
Application of Graphene significant performance improvement of the information and communication technology (ICT) in both long and short terms can be sustained by integrating graphene components with silicon-based electronics, enabling many new applications by exploiting the distinctive electrical, optical and other properties of graphene. Properties such as high mobility distinguishes graphene from other semiconductor resources. Also, graphene’s excellent mobility properties combined with great saturation velocity, thermal conductivity, and micrometer ballistic transport, results in graphene being a perfect candidate for the future generations of transistors and low noise amplifiers.
Is Graphene is dangerous? There is potential toxicity in graphene. On the other side, graphene oxide (GO) is another form of graphene that could be harmful. The cytotoxicity of graphene oxide investigated by measuring mitochondrial activity in adherent human skin fibroblasts using two assays, concluding that the toxicity of graphene and graphene oxide depends on the exposure environment and how it interacts with the cells. . However, the dangers of graphene are not to be overlooked as the material is still in its experimental stages and not enough research has been done to prove whether it is safe or not.
conclusion Graphene can be gateaway to the future of the technology. Although graphene prove to been create impact, we must not ingnore its harmful side effect.