Chapter 3-1
1. Jewelry 2. Pencils 3. Powder 4. Bicycle/Car Frames
a NONLIVING, NATURALLY OCCURING, ORGANIC solid with structure and shape. Formed by natural processes
1. Naturally Formed 2. Inorganic = Non-living 3. All solids 4. Is an element or a compound with a chemical compound 5. Atoms are arranged in a pattern
1. From Magma 2. From Solutions 3. Saturated Solutions with Substances
Minerals form from the cooling of melted rock or MAGMA Magma cools, its atoms move closer together and begin to form repeating shapes The type of shapes the atoms form will determine which mineral forms
Crystals also form when minerals are dissolved into liquids When the liquid evaporates the minerals are left to form crystals If a solution becomes saturated, the atoms will begin leaving the solution, creating a mineral
1. Oxygen 2. Silicon 3. Aluminum 4. Iron 5. Calcium 6. Sodium 7. Potassium 8. Magnesium